Analyse and assess the effects new technologies
Paper details:
Please choose one of the essay questions. Essays must be 1,500-2000 words long.
Please follow the essay writing guidelines ( and use an appropriate stylesheet (Harvard, APA, MLA). Don’t forget to attach a list of references. You only need to list the sources you actually refer to in your text (quotes, paraphrasing).
• Make sure to go beyond the reader in looking for material.
• Keep your essays focused. Make sure you have a clear argument (ONE key point) that is stated in the first paragraph and reinforced throughout your essay, backed up by evidence from the media or other sources and academic research. Your key argument should be succinctly summarised at the end as well.
• Make sure each paragraph contains one key point, which connects to your key idea and helps build up your argument. Each point should be sufficiently explained and backed up by evidence (from readings, the media etc.). Each paragraph should logically follow on from the previous one.
• Don’t forget to include in-text references (Harvard style) and attach a list of references in the correct format at the end. You only need to list the sources you actually refer to in your text (i.e. ideas that you quote or paraphrase). Use the referencing guide on ilearn.
If you would like to work on a related topic but take a different perspective, talk to your tutor or the course coordinator.
• Make sure to go beyond the reader in looking for material.?• Keep your essays focused. Make sure you have a clear argument (ONE key point) that is stated in the first paragraph and reinforced throughout your essay, backed up by evidence from the media or other sources and academic research.?Your key argument should be succinctly summarised at the end as well.?•Make sure each paragraph contains one key point, which connects to your key idea and helps build up your argument. Each point should be sufficiently explained and backed up by evidence (from readings, the media etc.). Each paragraph should logically follow on from the previous one.?•Don’t forget to include in-text references (Harvard style) and attach a list of references in the correct format at the end. You only need to list the sources you actually refer to in your text (i.e. ideas that you quote or paraphrase). Use the referencing guide on ilearn.?•If you would like to work on a related topic but take a different perspective, talk to the course coordinator.
Choose ONE of the below essay questions and write an essay of between 1500 and 2000 words.
Question 3: Analyse and assess the effects new technologies like online social media have on international communication and negotiation in business.
Approach this question by outlining the advantages and disadvantages these new technologies had and have for international communication compared to previous
technologies. Do these new technologies help to support or hinder the development of a national or international ‘public sphere’? It may be helpful to focus your essay around one international political, government or not-for-profit campaign, which has made significant use of computer mediated communication (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Weibo, instant messenger, online gaming). You could choose a national or international campaign that is connected to a significant global issue (e.g. the environment, human rights, health, indigenous issues etc.), or howa specific companies practices or negotiations have changed or been influenced by social media. Make sure you support your ideas and examples with sufficient academic research.
But u have to be more than specific in this essay like u have to choose (one) social media and specific companies practices
HD 85%+ D 75%+
Structure Clear intro, body and conclusion; paragraphs for each new topic/thought,
Conclusion clearly supports author’s argument Clear intro, body and conclusion; paragraphs for each new topic/thought
Essay logically leads to conclusion
Referencing Consistent referencing; complete reference list; uses sources beyond reader, well balanced (books/journals, internet) appropriate amount Consistent referencing; complete reference list uses sources beyond reader, appropriate amount
Argument Clear argument well supported by theoretical framework and relevant scholars Clear argument, some theory included, some references to relevant scholars
Relevance Fully answers the essay question, introduces valid background info, relevant examples Fully answers the essay question, some background info and good examples
Originality Has own hypothesis, integrates other scholars, uses critical approach Uses own words, integrates other scholars, uses critical approach