Analysis of communication strategies in the websites of selected financial institutions

I want you to ask you if you would be willing to write this Bachelor thesis and how much would it cost(40 pages)? Also, is it possible to first consult my Bachelor thesis – like what to do, what do you suggest etc. ? I´ve got all literature sources.
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Analysis of communication strategies in the websites of selected financial institutions

The bachelor thesis will deal with the analysis of linguistic elements, which are typically found on the websites of selected financial institutions. The student chooses several banking institutions in English-speaking countries whose websites undergo a detailed linguistic analysis. The selected text sections of the websites of the banks will be analyzed in terms of communication strategies that are present in the texts for different purposes. The student will analyze the lexical and morphosyntactic elements, and also if he / she finds significant non-verbal aspects in his / her analysis, he / she will also deal with them. Methodologically, the thesis will be based primarily on functional approach to the language and the discourse of M.A.K. Halliday. The paper will be written in English.

Note: – My supervisor sent me an email. First I need to send her this. Then we can work on my thesis.

To obtain a credit for a bachelor thesis seminar for the winter semester
you must send it by 5.2.2018
– Submit a list of reading literature, questionnaire about
literature and questionnaire on the concept of work (3 tasks)
– Submit a complete analysis and outline of the whole work (if the author
does not analyze the primary text, details about the details are given in the third
grade subchapters, ie 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 and the list of additional read secondary

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