Are human rights infringed in treatments for mental health?
outline what ethics are
outline what human rights are
outline the patients rights when being treated for mental illness in the uk
evaluate one or more areas of human rights and treatment for mental health
evaluate and apply ethical theories to the issue
focus on the ethical issues surrounding mental health and human rights
there is some other bits of criteria I need for a distinction on the papers I have uploaded so please read.
The purpose of this assessment is for you to consider ethical issues surrounding a
topic by researching and writing an essay. You should chose 1 of the options, either
genetic engineering, or human rights and mental health. Make sure that your research
and writing is logical, coherent, relevant and referenced using the Harvard System
of Reference.
Your essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words. This does not including the Reference
List, Bibliography or Appendices.
Enclosed in the assessment pack is information that you can use as a starting point for your
research. You should study the ethics booklet and either the genetic engineering booklet or
the human rights and mental health booklet. You must also conduct independent research
for this assessment.
You will look in depth and evaluate a topic that promotes controversial debate and assess
the theories of ethics that surround it. You will also evaluate the implications of these
controversial subjects upon those who are affected by them.
Genetig Engineering
ls genetic engineering ethically right?
This is not an essay plan. However, these are the basics that you must include:
Outline what ethics are (criteria 1.1)
Outline what GE is (criteria 2.1)
Evaluate one or more areas of GE (criteria 2.1)
an area of genetic engineering = genetic engineering of animals, crops, genetic
manipulation of embryos and/or human cells, cloning etc.
Outline the client’s rights (criteria 3.1)
client = patient/ embryo/ people who will use genetically modified product
Evaluate and apply ethical theories to GE (criteria 1.1; 2.1)
ethical theory = Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics etc.
Focus on the ethical issues surrounding GE (criteria 1.1,- 2.1; 2.2,- 3.1)
Human Rights and Megtal Health
Are human rights infringed in treatments for mental health?
This is not an essay plan. However, these are the basics that you must include:
Outline what ethics are (assessment criteria 1.1)
Outline what human rights are (assessment criteria 2.1)
Outline the patient’s rights when being treated for mental illness in the UK
(assessment criteria 2.1; 3.1)
Evaluate one or more areas of human rights and treatment for mental health
(assessment criteria 2.1)
Evaluate and apply ethical theories to this issue (assessment criteria 1.1; 2.1)
ethical theory = Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics etc.
Focus on the ethical issues surrounding mental health and human rights
(assessment criteria 1 . 1; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1)
©2011 DLCentre Ltd
The following shows you how your work will be marked and what criterion your tutor will use.
To make sure that you have covered all the grading criteria use the sheet below.
When you have completed an assessment criterion, write in the box on which page the
criterion, in your opinion, was met.
Remember you will need to send this to your tutor with your work
Write in this column
Assessment criteria for: Ethical issues in Health on which page you
have achieved the
The Ieamer has achieved this outcome because slhe can: “”°‘5’“°”‘
1.1 For Pass: Evaluate and apply ethical theories.
You should explain at least 1 ethical theory, for instance Situation Ethics or
Utilitarianism. You should outline the theory, apply it to your chosen topic and
explain if it works and why.
Extra Help and Pointers (this help however, is not exhaustive)
For Merit: All of the above plus reference your work correctly using
Harvard Referencing and compare and contrast at least 2 ethical theories
when applying them to your chosen topic.
For Distinction: All of the above plus using further reading and research
evaluate the limitations of the ethical theories when applying them to your
chosen to o ic.
2.1 For Pass: Outline and evaluate some medical practice which
promotes controversial debate.
You should use genetic engineering or human rights and the treatment of mental
health. Describe what the issues are, and explain why they are controversial.
Extra Help and Pointers (this help however, is not exhaustive)
For Merit: As above plus evidence of up to date and relevant background
reading to support your argument presented coherently.
For Distinction: All of the above plus analyse your research to look at the
pros and cons of your chosen topic. You should be pulling apart the issue,
rather than ‘ust describin o.
2.2 For Pass: Reflect on the moral rules and principles used in the
above evaluation.
This is exploring the ethics of the chosen topic. You should refer to at least 1
ethical theory and its application when discussing your chosen topic.
Extra Help and Pointers (this help however, is not exhaustive)
For Merit: As above plus discuss it ethical theories can be fully applied to
your chosen topic.
For Distinction: As above plus give detailed and supported reasons using
research and further readin.
3.1 For Pass: Outline and evaluate individual client’s rights and
3 Extra Help and Pointers (this help however, is not exhaustive)
For Merit: As above plus relate them to at least one ethical theory.
For Distinction: As above plus reference to up to date issues, research
and/or case stud
©2011 DLCentre Ltd