Assessment 3 task: Using the case study scenario below, develop a discharge plan for the elderly patient being discharged from acute care to home to promote healthy ageing and independence. Scenario George is a 76year old European man due for discharge
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Assessment 3 task: Using the case study scenario below, develop a discharge plan for the elderly patient being discharged from acute care to home to promote healthy ageing and independence.
George is a 76year old European man due for discharge at the end of the week from an acute orthopaedic ward following treatment of a right sided #NOF involving a total hip replacement. George had been found on the floor of his 3 bedroom ground level home by his neighbour and close friend following an unwitnessed fall.
George, a tradesman, migrated to Australia in the 1960s with his wife and settled in the house he still lives in today. He has 3 adult children who live interstate accept his youngest daughter who lives with her 2 very young children over an hour’s drive away. George’s wife of 56 years passed away twelve months ago from a myocardial infarct. George’s wife managed the house and cared for George very well, her death was very sudden and unexpected.
George speaks broken English and is usually a fit and healthy older man who has been living independently, only relying on his close friend and neighbour for assistance when needed.
Your assignment should address in essay format the following holistic health considerations for the ageing population;
Briefly discuss what an ACAT assessment involves and why it is used. Identify if an ACAT assessment is appropriate for ‘George’ and how it can assist discharge planning
Compare and contrast community care and support strategies available to support independent living and healthy ageing.
Identify which of these are appropriate for George to enable him to live at home.
Identify and discuss strategies that could be utilised if it is identified that George is not managing to live independently or his health deteriorates
Explain why the strategies you have identified are appropriate
Critically discuss how a patients cultural background and age demographic impacts on perception and expectation of care
Preparation – timely completion of study materials. Utilise your learning materials, set text and library resources to research the assessment task topics.
Presentation – Essay format, cover page, font 12pt Arial preferred, 1.5 spacing. Ensure you have a footer with page number and your student name and number. Subheadings maybe used however not necessary. Please provide a title at the beginning of your essay (no title page required). No dot points, tables or diagrams.
References must be presented in CDU APA 6th Referencing Style with at least 10 r