Assignment 1
Project description
Open the attached Excel File (the main sheet is locked, but this sometimes gets undone if you use Numbers or Open Docs).
Enter your name and Student number. Note: Each assignment is unique based on your student number – do not work together and hand in the same answers – the correct answers will be different.
Complete Question 2 b on the SAMPLE PAGE in the second tab. It is meant as an outline for you to organize your work. You can either use it as a spreadsheet and put formulas into it, or you can calculate the answers manually and enter the results onto it. Answer Questions 1 and 2a in the main assignment page. Certain fields are unlocked so that you can put information into them or you can write your answers onto the printed page. Please write neatly – if I can’t read it, I won’t grade it – I expect all your hand-ins to be prepared with care and professionalism.