Barry, Alister and Johnstone, Ian. 2002. In a Land of Plenty: The Story of Unemployment in/New Zealand. New Zealand: Community Media Trust and Vanguard Films.
You will critically review and reflect upon the following film or documentary: (write around 500 words).
Barry, Alister and Johnstone, Ian. 2002. In a Land of Plenty: The Story of Unemployment in
New Zealand. New Zealand: Community Media Trust and Vanguard Films.
Watch the documentary to answer the following:
• What was the nature of the socio-economic ‘revolution’ in NZ (or: what happened)?
• Who were the agents of the ‘revolution’?
• What ideas informed the socio-economic changes that took place?
• Whose interests were served by the ‘revolution’?
• What effects did the revolution have and on whom?
• Are there stories circulating in your social network about this period of time?