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Executive Strategies & Policies
Identify the businesses the firm is in (or is considerin ent
unrelated), and whether and how they create additional §aIueeilin::e»irh:¢;rrl:?re:yfi:;‘
and detailed. If it is unclear that value is created, try to assess why the firm
enter those businesses. J
Identify the global strategy used by the finn (if it is a multinational compuIy)mdIt§ i 7?
using that global strategy. What entry modes did the firm use to enter those
methods of entry used (or proposed) the best choice given the fn’m’s
strengths, weaknesses, and strategy? Be sure to include any appropriate
support your assessment.
Identify and analyze the firm’s organizational structure, control systems,or
used to support its corporate-level strategy and/or global stmtegy- L