Biology 1323: Human Nutrition/Extra Credit Assignment: Glucose/Fatty acid cycle.
5 points toward final grade in addition to movie extra credits.
View the voice over Powerpoint on the Glucose/Fatty acid cycle by following one of the links provided below.
The above is a link to the youtube presentation, or you can or go to the following website that provides additional information:
Click on videos.
It is a narrated powerpoint that runs automatically. After you have viewed it, answer the following questions:
1. What is the importance of the glucose/fatty acid cycle?
2. What are the three types of fuel reserves?
3. What is ketoacidosis, and when does it occur?
4. How is glucose preserved for the brain during starvation or when carbohydrates are in short supply?
5. What is metabolic inflexibility?
6. How does understanding the glucose/fatty acid cycle affect today’s emphasis on sustainability?
This is not a quiz, but you should provide thoughtful answers to receive the full 10 points extra credit. I think you’ll find it interesting and applicable during our discussion of all macronutrients and metabolism.
I suggest that you do this during this time when we are covering carbohydrates and fats, but I will not be rigid on the due date.