brief essay


A poem written by a computer (“Scary Beneath the Flock”)
Timbre Timbre’s “Bad Ritual” (song)
Charles Bernstein’s “Further Color Notes”
John Ashbery’s “What is Poetry”
Darren Wershler-Henry’s Tapeworm Foundry
Drummond de Andrade’s “Stone” poem
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 16 and Sonnet 130

Harryette Mullen’s “Dim Lady”
Kasey Silem Mohammed’s WWW anagram sonnet
William Carlos Williams’ “Red Wheelbarrow”
Kenneth Goldsmith’s Day

Guillaume Apollinaire “It’s Raining”
Craig Raine’s “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”
John Clare’s “I am”
Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle into that Goodnight”
Pablo Neruda’s “Leaning into the Afternoon”
William Blake’s “O Rose” etc…
Caroline Bergvall’s “Not Tale”

Russell Edson’s “A Journey Through the Moonlight” and “The

Wounded Breakfast”

XJ Kennedy’s “Nude Descending a Staircase”

Martha Ronk’s “Why Knowing is”

Philip Larkin’s “An Arundel Tomb”

Rene Magritte’s “Key of Dreams”
Erin Moure “On the Mineral of the Cabbage”
Sylvia Plath’s “Black Rook in Rainy Weather”

Wallace Stevens’ “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”
May Swenson’s “Women” poem
Robert Frost’s “Acquainted with the Night”

Zbigniew Herbert’s “Five Men” and “Pebble”

Wislawa Szymborska’s “Consolation”

Basho’s “Old Pond”

bpnichol’s Basho translation

Eugen Grominger’s Silence visual poem

John Hollander’s “Swan”

Joy Harjo’s “I Give it Back”

Osip Mandelstam’s “Alone I Stare into the Frost’s White Face”

Kenneth Patchen’s “A Sigh is Little Altered”




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