Budget Planning

Part 1: Submit a 1-2 page outline that briefly describes the topic, and the approach taken to discuss and analyze the topic. Due on Monday, April 15.

Part 2: Submit one research-oriented paper on the topic of Budget Planning in the Banking and/or Finance Industry. Individuals should discuss the topic selected in-depth (6-8 pages, double-spaced word-processed, in 12-point Times New Roman font, spell- and grammar checked) with research support that goes beyond Spiro (1996). A minimum of 5-sources need to be referenced. The paper is due by Sunday, April 22. A 150-word (single-spaced) Abstract must be attached to the paper (at the beginning of the paper) that outlines and highlights very briefly the topic and what is pertinent in the paper.

See attached for mandatory and allowed reference material.

Paper must include at least 8 references

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