Business Studies

I have always appreciated the down-to-earth way in which Mr. James brings the lofty subject of God’s prophetic plans for His creation, into the layman’s realm for those of us who long for the Blessed Hope, but whom have not had the benefit of pastors or teachers proficient in prophecy, to guide us in our pursuit of comprehension in these matters.

The book is 320 pages in
which Mr. James carefully, concisely lays out fifteen reasons why he is
convinced that this present generation is the one which will see the “catching
away” of the Bride and rise of the Antichrist. From UFO’s to pandemic madness,
Armageddon to Zombies, the resurrection of the Old Roman Empire to the
ruination of America, he has brought it all to the table and connected the dots
for us in this latest dissertation.

Mr. James lays out current
(and historical) events side by side with their corresponding prophecy. The
real-time relevance of this book is rather astounding

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