case study of managerial accounting

Assignment Part 1

all three case assignments are attached that need to be done in section Additional materials

Case Studies can be considered a form of problem based learning, where you are provided a situation that needs resolution. You are given historical context, and details about the situation at hand, and then asked to analyze the situation and make recommendations. While in some instances there may be a clear and direct path to a “right” or “wrong” answer, what is most important is that you are able to support your analysis and conclusion. In other words, the end goal is not always so much focused on arriving at one singular “correct answer” (as is often the case in Accounting), but rather to provide a solution that you can support with numbers and logic.

Often students ask how many words need to be written, however this is also not the right approach. Often a shorter response can be sufficient if the analysis is clear and concise.

As second year business students, we understand that your exposure to Case Studies is not yet highly developed. As such, in Part 1 of this assignment, you are presented with a number of shorter Cases to be solved. It is hoped that these shorter cases will build your confidence and skills, to prepare you for a more comprehensive Case in Assignment Part 2.

Please prepare the assignment using either Word or Excel rather than by hand. The finished product will look more professional as well as create some consistency between submissions.

All submissions must be on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper using a size 12 font. Grammar and spelling are very important and marks will be deducted for poor grammar and spelling. Please include a cover page for your report.

Required: In hardcopy no later than the class scheduled time on February 21, 2018. *
Show all detailed computations and keep it professional! State clearly all your assumptions. Please include a cover page with all relevant information included.

(1) Case 3-20 (Textbook Page 94)(10 Marks) {Limit two pages}
(2) Case 4-34 (Textbook Page 148)(15 Marks) {Limit the Memo to President to one page; other components as needed}
(3) Case 5-30 (Textbook Page 202)(10 Marks) {No page limit}

* Note that the marks are based on the originality of the work such as using correct language, includingappropriate referencing, analyzing in depth, giving relevant examples, providing detailed computations, following professional presentation, stating clear assumptions, explaining,reasoning, and concluding with convincing recommendations supported with rationale

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