Question 1.
Non-verbal communication is a central part of how we communicate with each other as individuals. Describe a situation where you deliberately used non-verbal communication to get your point across, or one where someone else used non-verbal communication to “speak” to you. Or examine a situation of cross-cultural failure or success at non-verbal communication. What happened? How many aspects of non-verbal communication were present? How much did you need to know cultural cues in order to make it work?
Write a substantive response of at least 150 words that explores your answer. Provide evidence or examples. You may wish to refer to something you have read. If you do refer to something you have read, make sure you use a proper APA reference.
Question 2
One book on the brain and hearing identified that most of our listening is for the absences, for the breaks in communication flow that suggest something important is happening. This is even true in conversations where we listen most to the places where something unexpected is going on, or where we disagree, or at the points something strange is taking place. Conversely, true listening is rare and takes immense concentration. Describe a situation where you truly heard something. What was it about you or the situation that led you to not just hear the sounds but truly listen to the other party? What led you to that situation? What was the outcome of attending?
Write a substantive response of at least 150 words that explores your answer. Provide evidence or examples.