
Communication 1020

Speech 4 Instructions (Exam 4, Speech 4) – 2nd Persuasive Speech

Roger Johnson, Instructor


To complete this speech outline, you need your textbook and several items at the MyPage class website.  The documents are found under “files.”

1) Class Textbook

2) Speech 4 Instructions (this document), (New Requirements are Bolded in steps 5, 6 and 7)

3) Basic Speech Outline Template,

4) Speech 4 Example Senior Driving (same example as speech 3, but with speech 4 requirements added)


Follow steps 1-9 in the instructions below to fill in each part of the Basic Speech Outline Template.  Every main point and sub-point must be a complete sentence.  Chapter 8 explains sentence outlines.  The Speech 4 example will help you see how it will look when you are finished.  All speech outlines must be typed.  For each step, complete the readings named next to that step.  This will help you understand how to complete the step.   Chapter 15 explainsfoundations of persuasive speaking.


Save an electronic copy after you print two copiesBring both copies on the date the outline is due – one with which you can practice, and one that I can grade.


  1. Select a Topic (Instructions in Chapter 3):


  1. Analyze the Audience (Instructions in Chapter 3): Analyze your audience and explain (next to “audience analysis:” on the outline) how you will use the information you learned to tailor your speech to them.


  1. State the Speech Purpose (Instructions in Chapter 7, Pages 118-119): First state the general purpose, then a specific purpose.


  1. Compose a Thesis Statement (Instructions in Chapter 7, Page 120 – Thesis is referred to “Theme”): Compose a complete sentence that declares the main point of your speech, just as you will state it in your speech. Your specific purpose can guide you.


  1. Develop the Body of your speech (Main and Subpoints) (Chapter 8): Using your purpose and thesis statements to guide you, write the main points, as single, complete sentences in the body of your speech next to roman numerals.  Write all sub-points and all other points as single, complete sentences.


5A. After reviewing chapter 8, choose an organizational pattern (Discussed in Pages 139 – 144) that you can use to organize your information so that the audience can understand and retain it most effectively.  In parentheses, next to the word BODY, type the name of the organizational pattern you chose.


With this label you aredemonstrating your understanding and application of an organizational pattern.  If you do it correctly, your speech will be more effective with your audience.


  1. Gather Supporting Material (Instructions in Chapters 4 and 5): Gather at least two pieces of information from at least two separate sources, that will help enhance your main points. List the references to the sources from which you gathered the information at the end of the outline, next to “Supporting Materials:” List them properly using MLA, APA or Chicago style (Style manuals found at any library).


6A. Throughout your speech, attempt to make pathos and logos appeals (pp 267 – 270).  You are already making an ethos appeal in your introduction, so it is not necessary to do so elsewhere in the speech.  In at least two places for each of the other two (pathos and logos), at the end of the sentence where you are attempting to accomplish each, identify which type of appeal with a label (in parenthesis).


With logos and pathos labels you are demonstrating your understanding and application of persuasive audience appeals.  If you do this correctly in your outline, your message will appeal to the audience more effectively on the basis of logos and pathos.


6B. After reviewing chapters 4 and 5, gather at least one narrative, one example, one fact (or statistic), and one testimony.  So, you will now use at least four pieces of outside information from at least fourseparate outside sources.  When you use each one in your outline, label it at the end of the sentence where you used it – (Testimony), (Example), (Narrative), (Fact/Statistic).  Also, be sure to list each reference under “supporting materials.”   Label them in your “supporting materials” section too – (narrative), (example), (fact, statistic), (testimony).


With these labels you are stating that you understand narrative, example, fact or statistic and testimony, and that you can use them effectively, as outside sources, in your speech (Demonstrating understanding and application).  If you do it correctly, your audience will find your message more interesting and credible.


  1. Create an Introduction and a Conclusion (Instructions in Chapter 7): Now that you have identified the main points and sub-points of the body, complete a strong introduction and a strong conclusion. Follow the guidelines in the readings to achieve each of the five functions of an introduction; then, follow the guidelines in the readings to achieve each of the functions of a conclusion.


7A. After reviewing chapter 7, create an introduction that accomplishes all five purposes (or functions) of an introduction – 1) attention, 2) credibility, 3) preview topic and purpose, 4) preview main points, 5) motivate the audience to accept your goals.  At the end of any sentence, where you attempt to accomplish one of the purposes of an introduction, label (in parenthesis) the name of that purpose.


Now, create a conclusion in which you accomplish all five purposes (or functions) of a conclusion – 1) signal that you are concluding, 2) summarize, or review, topic and purpose, 3) summarize, or review, main points, 4) challenge audience, 5) end memorably.  Place a label at the end of each sentence where you are attempting to accomplish one of the purposes/functions of a conclusion.


With these labels, you are showing 1) that you know what the various functions are, and 2) that you can accomplish those functions in the introduction and conclusion.  If you do this correctly in your outline, the audience will find your introduction and conclusion more interesting.


  1. Consider presentation aids (Chapter 11): Choose a presentation aid that you will use in your speech.  On your outline, name it next to the section called “Presentation Aid” near the end of your outline.


  1. Practice delivering the speech: You will now practice your speech in small groups, in class.   After the group listens to each speech, they should give help, suggestions and encouragement, on how to improve the speech and make it more meaningful to the audience.


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