Computer science

The research description:
Before uploading pictures to social network or just saving them at the phone, photographers might spend a minute or two balancing color and contrast. Also, with one of the many popular image-processing programs, it can be done manually in a professional way. The idea is to automatically edit images in the style of a professional photographer in real time. It is an energy efficient and so fast that it can display retouched images in real time, so that the photographer can see the result of the picture before the shot. The algorithm is a machine learning algorithm that learns how the professional photographers edit the pictures with a specific condition such as low light, strong light and black background etc. It measures the amount of light that enters through the phone lens and automatically set the lightness degree by compare it with another picture which has the same condition. Of course, it not only limited on the lightness degree, it will edit the contrast and shadow and so on.
In short, the research is to write a new Machine Learning algorithm that apply face recognition Algorithm in image processing, to recognize the image details and then edit the image (balancing color and contrast) in the real time.

paper structure will be :
1- Introduction
1.1 Goal.
1.2 Motivation.
1.3 Content
2- Background
2.1 Machine Learning.
2.2 Analysis image processing.
2.3 Study the face recognition Algorithm.
3- Automatic image editing (algorithm)
3.1 Apply face recognition Algorithm in image processing, to recognize the
image details.
3.2 Take advantage of the machine learning to find the necessary image
4- Conclusion
4.1 Expectation
4.2 Result
4.3 Next step
5- References

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