write a 2.5 page paper (12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced) on your observations of the conductor and the rehearsal. Here are some points I′d like you to consider for these assignments: 1.) Focusing only on gesture, by what technical means did the conductor achieve his intended purpose? Did he employ space for a crescendo? How did he do it? Was it successful? 2.) How does the ensemble react to the conductor? Is there a change in sound associated with a specific kind of gesture? 3.) What are some things that you would like to take away from the rehearsal you observed? What did you learn? These are only very general points that should serve, I believe, to help you write an interesting and illuminating commentary on the rehearsal, conducting, and ensemble you observed. Please do not submit this as a bullet-pointed listed responding to my leading questions. I′d rather like to read something that provides a thoughtful catalogue of the things you observed and how they effected the ensemble.