Criminal Justice

Unit I Project

Course Project, Part 1

In Unit VIII of this course, you will be required to present a finalized course project, which requires you to integrate the submissions from Units I, II, and the assignment for Unit VIII. This Unit I Project will be submitted and returned with professor comments, edits, and suggestions that should be incorporated in the portion of that final project that is submitted in Unit VIII. The material that you gather from this assignment and from your assignment in Unit II will be essential to you in developing your final course project. That final document will be a single document that has continuity; it will not entail simply attaching the three sections together. It should read as a single product.

In the Unit I required reading, you were introduced to a couple of scholarly articles that explore various areas of technological advances in the field of criminal justice. However, the topics covered in those articles are not exhaustive. This assignment will serve as an introduction for that final project. In this unit, you are required to do the following:

 Provide a brief summary about your knowledge concerning computer applications in the field of criminal justice prior to enrolling in this course. Describe the technology used in the field of which you are aware, and include the level of experience you have with each (your degree of proficiency with that technology).  Provide a brief overview of the additional knowledge you have gained as a result of working through this unit. o Be sure to include specific references to assigned readings and incorporate information from additional peerreviewed scholarly journals. These peer-reviewed journals can only be accessed through the CSU Online Library. If you need assistance locating peer-reviewed articles, please contact the library team. When searching for an article, be sure to place a check in the “Peer reviewed” box, and use the search tool to find the most recent scholarship published that pertains to your specific criteria. o You may use dissertations and conference papers but not blogs, magazines, newspapers, or books because none of those are considered scholarly for this purpose.  Identify the topics in the area of computer applications in the field of criminal justice that you want to further explore. o Be sure to include a justification about why these additional topics are relevant and worthy of exploration. o Remember that you must cite and reference (in APA style) any material that has influenced your thoughts concerning the further exploration of these topics.  Locate three current research-based articles that address those new things that you learned in this unit or the future things you want to learn related to computer applications in the field of criminal justice. These articles should be no more than seven years old.  Provide a summary of the key points addressed in each of the articles you have identified. o For these current articles, address how you anticipate such topics will shape or develop as integral parts of the field.

This body of this assignment should be six to eight double-spaced pages in length. In addition to those pages, the assignment should include a title page and reference page. The structure of this and the final submission is required to be in APA style. To help you with this, you can use the CSU Citation Guide, which can be found at this link: Pay particular attention to the use of headings, sub-headings, format for seriation, and the basic formatting guidelines for a formal paper.

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Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit II Project

Course Project, Part 2

In Unit VIII of this course, you will be required to present a finalized course project, which requires you to integrate the submissions from Units I, II, and the assignment for Unit VIII. This Unit II Project will be submitted and returned with professor comments, edits, and suggestions that should be incorporated in the portion of that final project that is submitted in Unit VIII. The material that you gather from this assignment and from your previous assignment in Unit I will be essential to you in developing your final course project. That final document will be a single document that has continuity; it will not entail simply attaching the three sections together. It should read as a single product.

In Unit I (Part I of the course project), you were required to provide a brief statement about topics that you wanted to further explore in the area of computer applications in the field of criminal justice. You also located current scholarly studies related to the future areas you wanted to explore.

In this unit (Part 2 of the course project), you will use the resources you gathered in Part I of the course project. For this part of the project, you are required to prepare a detailed outline of your proposed exploration of the topic identified. You will outline, point by point, the main ideas or contributions that this new technology will make to the field. For each point, include the scholarly material that will be used to support the content of your paper. The outline must include the following:

 a project topic (related to computer applications for criminal justice),  a thesis statement,  a brief introduction to the topic, and  at least three specific points that will be discussed on the chosen topic. o Within each main point, there must be two or more specific sub-topics that will be discussed and include a citation for the materials from which that information will come.

This assignment will also require an annotated bibliography with references that are in APA format for each of the scholarly sources that you have identified. Each annotation should be a summary of the study that includes the sample, the method, the findings, and a brief statement about how you see it contributing to your thesis. The annotated bibliography is a transitional step in writing a research-style paper and is not included in the final submission (Unit VIII); however, the sources will appear in the reference section.

The annotated bibliography must contain a minimum of 12 sources. Eight of those sources must be from scholarly and peer-reviewed works (journals or law reviews only). The other four sources may come from professional journals (e.g., reports from the Bureau of Justice Statistics [BJS], governmental databases, or those sources found through the use of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service [NCJRS] but not newsletters, bulletins or other non-peer-reviewed sources). The journal articles and studies should be no older than seven years from publication date, and the four professional journals can be no older than five years from publication. If you have a source that cannot be attributed to an author, governmental body, or a publication that meets the description of “scholarly” given here, you should not use it, and it will not count against the required number of sources. Students may exceed the minimum number of required sources as long as the criteria for “credible” and “scholarly” are met.

These sources will be approved by the professor in the feedback, and any sources that are not approved should be replaced with qualifying sources before the final submission in Unit VIII.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit III Project

Database Design Project

With this project, you will be required to apply the information that you acquired from the Unit III readings to assist you in designing a relational database.

For the purposes of this project, choose from one of the following agencies as your reference group for whom you will develop the proposal:

 a sheriff’s department with less than 75 employees,  a municipal court in a county with a population of approximately 100,000,
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 a medium-security transitional center with 500 beds, or  a juvenile probation office in a large metropolitan community.

Once you have chosen your model agency, consider the following items.

 Your chosen agency has recently created a specialized unit within its information technology department.  You are the database administrator (DBA) who supervises that specialized unit.  The sole purpose of the newly created unit is to organize the numerous types of data that are utilized by the agency into one database.  The secondary objectives of the new unit are to ensure that the created database meets the needs of the agency, is user friendly, is expandable, and is capable of addressing future organizational needs.

Your assignment is to develop a proposal for a database system that will include the following components.

 Identify the agency you chose.  Prepare a brief summary of the types of relations that are represented in the proposed database you are creating.  Prepare a visual representation (graphical depiction or flow chart of the information pathways) of the proposed database design. This can be accomplished by using the drawing or diagram options provided in programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. o Note: When using the diagram options in the Microsoft Office programs, you have to be careful to make sure that the diagram is not distorted as spacing changes throughout the document. Be sure to use a hard page break to prevent the graphic from moving from its own dedicated page. You may consider presenting this as an appendix in the document, but be sure in either case to review the relevant APA guidelines about proper formatting of tables, graphs, and appendices. o You may find it helpful to include the graphic among the narrative if the writing makes frequent reference to that graphic—explore the various options for positioning text around an image for the desired effect. o For conceptual guidance, you can refer to the Murthy “Project” chapter (p. 267) and the Teorey, Lightstone, and Nadeau reading in its entirety.  Prepare a section that contains a discussion that identifies potential obstacles or challenges associated with implementation of the proposed database (e.g., end-user concerns, cost, and implementation timeframe). Be sure to include proposed measures to address these issues associated with implementation and proposed measures to ensure scalability or expandability of the database that address future organizational needs.  All sources (including any images used) must be cited and referenced appropriately.

All components of this assignment should be composed in a six to eight page paper (not counting title page, reference page, graphics, and any appendices you may add). You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources beyond your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, should be cited and referenced appropriately.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit IV Project

GIS Project

In this unit, in addition to the assigned readings found in the study guide, you have been provided with several suggested reading resources to assist you in a continued exploration of geographic information systems (GIS). These resources, in addition to whatever credible sources you may find in professional journals, will assist you in completing this project.

For the purposes of this project, choose the same model agency you used in the Unit III assignment.

Your task is to create a PowerPoint presentation that will inform community members and your colleagues (who have no knowledge about GIS) about the nature and functions of GIS. It should include how GIS is different from the traditional mapping technology that was in use prior to its availability, include the benefits to both the community and the agency (in separate sections), and, finally, include an explanation suitable for the public about the unique contribution of GIS and its importance to the field of criminal justice.

Within this presentation, you are required to discuss at least one current event and at least three scholarly sources that support your point. You should use the same standards for scholarly resources as explained in previous units.

When creating the PowerPoint presentation keep the following factors in mind:

 The audience is the public, so be sure to provide details and explanations accordingly.
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 Choose a professional and simple background for the slides. Make sure there is maximum contrast between the background and text for ease of vision. Keep in mind that most rooms will not have a total blackout capability, so ambient light will decrease the visibility.  A proper presentation should be equally suitable for presentation in a room of 35 people using a projector and a screen. Therefore, the minimum size for font is 28 point in order for it to be visible from the back of the room.  Every slide should have a title, and the font size on both title and text should be consistent from slide to slide (respectively).  The use of images and graphics is always helpful—especially if there are data presented, but those should be professional and avoid the cartoon appearance of clip art.  All images and factual claims should have a citation in the slide. For assistance with citing your information and images within your PowerPoint, please contact the CSU Writing Center.  There should be no more than six words per line, and no more than six lines of text per slide. You must not write a script on the slides; the text should be truncated sentences or even just a few words. The purpose is to provide an outline to allow the audience to follow along—not a paragraph that will distract the audience from the presenter while they read along.  The title slide should identify the presenter, the sponsoring agency, the topic, and possibly the date or audience to whom it is presented.  The presentation should end with a Q & A or thank-you slide followed by the references slide.  Inclusion of a brief video or audio file is possible and may be helpful for the current event portion.  Fancy transitions are not necessary.  Balance the use of graphics with the text, and maximize the available “real estate” on the slide.

Your presentation must include at least three scholarly references and be a minimum of 12 slides, not including the title and reference slides. It should also include a transcript of what you would say to the community. This transcript will appear in the notes section of each slide and only needs to contain the verbiage related to each individual slide.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit V Lab Assignment

The lab assignments for this course require students to complete exercises outlined in the textbook. Please be aware that the Clip Art feature from earlier versions of PowerPoint and Word has been discontinued. If a lab assignment instructs you to insert a clip art, students should do the following:

1. Click Insert, and select Online Pictures. 2. In the search box, enter the type of image you seek, and press Enter. 3. Navigate to the image. 4. Click to select the file, and then click Insert.

While the lab is specific about the content, students wishing to create a more personalized (or advanced) demonstration of the skill set here may create a comparable example. Be sure that you have created a document/slide that contains an image, at least two different textbox insertions, and a background color. Also, be sure to “group” the contents of the slide to make sure that the components do not become misaligned—grouping is accomplished by using the “CTL-SELECT” function to highlight all the components. That means holding down the CTL key and using the mouse to select the items; While still over the items, right click and select “group.” This connects the pieces and will allow them to become a single unit. The same process can allow you to “ungroup” them if you need to edit.

Complete the following four-lab exercises as outlined in your textbook.

Lab 1: WD 58-60, WD 128-131, PPT 61-65, PPT 135-138. Data Files to complete the assignment are located in Blackboard under Course Content.


Lab 2: WD 60-61, WD 131-133, PPT 65-68, PPT 138-142. Data Files to complete the assignment are located in Blackboard under Course Content.

Once you have finished, submit your documents by uploading them in Blackboard.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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Unit VI Lab Assignment

Microsoft Office Lab: Excel and Access

Complete the four lab exercises listed below as outlined in your textbook. It is critical to this assignment that you demonstrate the skills presented in this section of the textbook. This means that the Excel sheet should be a dynamic spreadsheet, and after entering the raw data, the sheet should employ the calculation functions to produce sums, or other outcome measures.

When creating the graphics, they should have a dynamic link to the data set that produced them. An above average assignment will also have customization of the labels and values of the graphics—include a “data label,” format the text portions for ease of visibility, and make sure you save the file such that the data file is connected to the graphic. This would include the legend.

Caution: On the graphics, be sure that you have illustrated what you intended to illustrate. Specifically, in the pie graph example, it should be about the relative proportion of individual items sold and not the proportion of each quarterly sales; saving the graphical output in a Word doc gives you that option. Explore your textbook for clarification on any of these functions.

Also, as a helpful note, if you do not have Access in your installation of the Microsoft Office Suite, you can find many open-source versions of Access that you can download for free, or consider completing this part of the assignment on a borrowed machine or in a local library. The program is available for a fee, but unless you have a need for database software on a regular basis, the program is best borrowed or downloaded for free.

Lab 1: EX 59-60, EX 123-124, AC 68-69, AC 129-131. Data Files to complete the assignment are located in Blackboard under Course Content.


Lab 2: EX 61-62, EX 125-126, AC 69-70, AC 131-132. Data Files to complete the assignment are located in Blackboard under Course Content.

Once you have finished, submit your documents by uploading them in Blackboard.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VII Project

Computer Crimes Project

In this unit, in addition to the assigned readings, you have been provided with a couple of suggested reading resources to assist you in a continued exploration of computer crimes, computer security, and associated ethical considerations. Both types of resources will assist you in completing this project.

For the purposes of this project, choose from one of the following model agencies:

 a sheriff’s department with less than 75 employees,  a municipal court in a county with a population of approximately 100,000,  a medium-security transitional center with 500 beds, or  a juvenile probation office in a large metropolitan community.

Your task is to create an informative PowerPoint presentation for community members and colleagues who have little to no knowledge about computer crime or the available computer security options.

The presentation should contain the following:

 Cover the related ethical considerations about the handling of data—especially sensitive or personal data. The readings identify some of the ethical concerns, but there are others. Consider doing independent research about the contemporary concerns that relate to law enforcement and data. For example, the 4th Amendment prohibits the police from seeking certain information about citizens unless there is a court order allowing the violation of privacy. However, there are commercial entities that have “mined” data and could sell that same information to law enforcement entities. Are there ethical concerns here? What about utility bills and other records pertaining to
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services used in a home? Should policing agencies have access to the amount of electricity consumed within an address? Should Google be assisting governmental agencies by providing search histories from citizens? The user agreement allows Google to database such information. Is it acceptable for this data to be shared or sold to police?  Explain computer crime. Define it using scholarly definitions (and not the casual and incorrect versions found in casual language). Include the various categories of computer crime and the extent to which each type of computer crime affects the average citizen, the cost to businesses, and possibly even issues of homeland security. The discussion should not include stalking or bullying, as these are not within the academic definition of computer crime. Take care not to confuse or co-mingle the terms cyber-crime with computer crime, as these are not the same thing.  Inform the audience about the various tools that are available to enhance the security of the data on one’s personal computer, as well as the personal data that is unavoidably in the hands of varies entities, such as schools, healthcare providers, utility companies, online businesses, or banks. The audience should be made aware of what information they are required to share and what is not required—specifically the number of entities that can compel production of the social security number is far fewer than the number who are asking for it.

Your presentation must contain at least 12 slides that include a transcript of what you would say verbatim to the community. The transcript would need to appear in the notes section of each slide and would need to contain only the verbiage that is related to each slide. You are required to include at least five scholarly sources that support your points. Refer back to previous units (Units I-IV) for clarification about what constitutes a scholarly source and how to access them. See the other PowerPoint guidelines presented in Unit IV for additional requirements for a professional presentation.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VIII Final Project

Course Project, Part 3

The final course project should be an example of the accumulated knowledge of computers and technology in criminal justice from your work to this point. The material that you produced for the assignments in Units I and II and the feedback you received on those will be essential in developing your final class project.

The final submission should incorporate the contents of Unit I and Unit II, including the implementation of feedback and corrections from the professor. The articles from the annotated bibliography should be listed as references on the References page, but the annotations (summary paragraphs) should not appear in this submission. All other APA rules for citations and references apply here.

This Final Project will allow you to complete the proposed project you developed in the outline for Unit II. To complete the final part of the course project, you must incorporate the following components:

 Explore the future of computing and technology in criminal justice by addressing the o current status, o expected future status, and o overall impact on the criminal justice system.  Use at least 10 of the approved scholarly sources in your discussion of the future of computing and technology in criminal justice. Eight of those sources must be from scholarly and peer-reviewed works (e.g., governmental reports, journals, and dissertations). The other two sources must come from the professional reports that were approved in Unit II.  Use at least two Microsoft Office applications covered in this course (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Access) to provide a graphical depiction as support for the assertions you are making.

Your final project should be a minimum of 10 pages and must be presented in a single Word document, but may include images from the Excel, PowerPoint, or Access work produced in this course.

Word processing documents should include all visual and/or supporting elements (e.g., images, spreadsheets, diagrams, reports) within the body of the document. There should be only one file uploaded for submission of this assignment.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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APA Guidelines

The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide in the myCSU Student Portal by clicking on the “Citation Resources” link in the “Learning Resources” area. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Success Center

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