critical appraisal of the scenario provided

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Module: 359SPO

Applied Exercise Physiology




Critical Appraisal (CW1; 50% of module mark)

Details of Assignment:


Each student must submit a critical appraisal of the scenario provided below. It is recommended that you use headings that correspond to each of the required section / component



You have been approached by a male swimmer (age 35 years, 1.85 m tall, 24% body fat) who is planning an English Channel swim attempt. He is a regular ‘good club swimmer’ swimming five times a week for one hour each time. He has not yet undertaken open water swimming. Your role is to provide background information, testing and training guidance and physiology support in preparations for his attempt. The swimmer has sufficient funds to cover the crossing fee.


Firstly; Undertake a review of the demands of channel swimming discussing both the key physical and physiological considerations for such a task.

Secondly; Provide a scientific overview of the underlying physiology of open water / cold water swimming and apply this, where possible, to Channel swimming.

Thirdly; Provide a detailed training regime over a specified training duration to help prepare the swimmer for the crossing attempt.


Within the essay (2000 words) you need to; (NB: approximate words / weighting in brackets)

  1. Undertake a review of the demands of channel swimming discussing the key physical and physiological considerations for such a task. (30%).
  1. Provide a scientific overview of the underlying physiology of open water / cold water swimming and apply this, where possible, to Channel swimming. (35%)
  1. Provide a detailed training regime over a specified training duration to help prepare the swimmer for the crossing attempt. (25%)
  2. Discuss any limitations of your chosen approach and its practicalities (10%)



  1. Write scientifically and clearly, proof read your work before submitting.
  2. Provide correct referencing to appropriate scientific literature throughout.
  3. Include a word count. Do not include the references section in your word count




Mapping to Module and Course Learning Outcomes


The intended learning outcomes are that, on completion of the module, students should be able to:

  1. demonstrate an ability to apply exercise physiology knowledge to appraise current thought, theories and practices within exercise physiology.
  2. formulate informed opinion on specific training practices.
  3. critically review specific chronic exercise physiology practices to improve performance (e.g. acclimation to heat, cold and altitude).
  4. demonstrate an understanding of acute physiological interventions that may or may not affect exercise performance (cooling, blood doping, supplements).


This piece of coursework assesses Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 and provides the basis from which to achieve learning outcome 5.



Expected Student Effort Hours


This is a 20-credit module with two assessments. For a 20-credit module with one written coursework element 15 to 25 hours are to be spent directly on producing the written coursework (CW1). Thus this duration is the guide time you are likely to spend completing the project proposal template. However, PLEASE NOTE that at 20-credit module is aligned to 200 hours of effort in total. In addition to teaching contact time this leaves significant scope for, amongst other things, locating, reading, analysing and synthesising information in relation to developing your understanding and expertise around producing your critical appraisal


Word Limit

Guidance on Word limits for written coursework

The word limit for this assignment is 1500 words. General guidelines for each section are provided above (as a %)

If you exceed this word limit by more than 10% ie if you exceed 1650 words then you will be penalised by deduction of 10% of your final mark. You should state your word count at the end of your work.



Submission Requirements


You must submit an electronic copy (word.doc) of your completed assignment through Turnitin in the Moodle 359SPO page under


Submission Deadline


Friday 1st December 2017 (01/12/17)

Electronic submission via Turnitin by 6pm.


Help and Support


The focus of this module is for you to develop your coursework submission.


  • The coursework will be discussed, in brief, in the introductory session of the module (Teaching week one – 22/01/18).


  • You will have three one hour tutorials developing progressive sections of the assignment (see timetable).


  • Coursework support will also be available in between lectures with the staff member present.


  • Useful sources are available at the end of this document and in the initial lecture powerpoint slides.


  • Moodle discussion forum FAQs; students can post questions

Please note that if you are unable to submit coursework or attend an assessment e.g. test, examination, presentation or assessed laboratory session you may be eligible to apply for an extension or a deferral.  Please refer to the Extenuating Circumstances guidance for students at the following link:

Deferral or Extension requests must be made before the due date of the assignment and must be accompanied by appropriate evidence.


Late or non-submission of CW


Normal penalties for late/ non-submission apply:

  • Work that is submitted late, without an extension or deferral having been granted, will receive a mark of ZERO (students will normally be eligible for a resit attempt).
  • Work that is not submitted or exams not attended will be recorded as Absent (ABS) (students may not be permitted a resit attempt).


Plagiarism and Cheating


The University takes very seriously any attempt to cheat in coursework or examinations by any student and if a case is proven this can result in expulsion form the University.  Cheating refers to plagiarism, collusion, taking unauthorised materials into an examination (this list is not exhaustive). Please refer to the essential information within your Student Handbook.


Note that there is now a definition of self plagiarism-


Self-plagiarism or reuse of work previously submitted

You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism.


Self-plagiarism is unacceptable because you cannot gain credit for the same work twice.





Coventry University have adopted the Harvard Referencing System as the standard format for citations and references. There is a Centre for Academic Writing (located next to the library, also see the links on Moodle) which can provide detailed support on the Harvard System. There is also a useful reference guide on the Harvard Style that we advise you to download and keep.

This can be found at:



Marks release, Return of work and Feedback


All marks released are subject to final Assessment Board decisions and are therefore provisional until after the Board sits.


Marks will be released on 07/05/18 and can be accessed via Moodle Gradebook


Feedback will be provided as follows:


  • You will receive an overall mark for the project proposal template
  • Electronic written comments will be provided in Moodle. These will take the form of in text comments and summary comments covering each section of the proposal.
  • If desired and appropriate students are able to seek further specific feedback by arrangement with their supervisor and/or the module leader.




Useful (initial) web sources regarding Channel swimming to get you started;


‘Englishman swims the Channel’


Channel swimming statistics and information


Swimming the English Channel


A Short History of English Channel Swimming


How I swam the English Channel


23 things thing you probably didn’t know about …….


Channel Swim Training


How long do people have to train to swim the English Channel?


Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation


Open Water marathon Swimming


Training for the English Channel


The 40,000 yard swim workout


Training to Swim the English Channel; Really, really cold water.


Dover Channel Training



Other articles (see Moodle for Pdfs)


Hingley et al. (2018)


Exercise in the cold; Part 1


Exercise in the cold; Part 2











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