Culture Diversity
Project description
Assessment: Case study or reflective journal
Assessment Item Weighting Length
Case study
2,000 words
Case study
Brief description
You will be provided with the case study and asked to discuss this in small groups. You will be expected to identify relevant issues in the case study as it relates to the unit . You will also be expected to discuss actions which might be taken in terms of the major protagonist(s) in the case study and make recommendations. Students are encouraged to write their report as soon as possible after the case discussion. A reflection on your final CQ assessment will also be required as part of this assessment. At least 12 references (journal articles and relevant books) are expected to be utilised in preparing the report, cited in the body of the report and listed in the reference list.
Your tasks:
Part A: In class group discussion questions: Discuss your personal reactions to the following questions. In each case where possible, try to relate these to any theory or information covered in the class.
• Why did Akunna move to USA?
• What were her expectations?
• What were her family’s expectations?
• How did the expectations match with reality?
• What were local perceptions of her?
• What were the perceptions of others of Africa/Nigeria? How did Akunna react to this?
• Discuss Akunna’s coping strategies……….How effective were these?
• What part did food play in the story?
• What was the significance of gifts/presents in the story?
• What were the challenges in the relationship she formed with a local?
• When he told her ….”He understood how you (she)felt”……why did she react the way she did?
• What was her reaction to his parents and his relationship with his parents?
• What was the significance of other people’s reaction to their relationship?
• When Akunna returns to Nigeria, how do you think she might feel? Why?
• Thinking about reading the story, how does having some background information about cultural differences and cultural values impact your reading and interpretation?
• What do you think the “Thing around my neck” was in this case? Or what was its significance?
• Other issues
Where possible, try to relate these to any theory or information covered in the class.
Part B: Personal reflection (up to 150 words)
Your reaction to the story immediately after reading it.( No theory required just personal feelings and reactions) Write in the first person..e.g. I felt…I found…etc.)
Part C: Discussion of issues between approximately 1,200-1,800 words
Write this section in third person ( ie do not use “I” or “we” or “you”)
Discuss the issues covered in the class discussion and other issues you found interesting or relevant and relate these to content and theory from class and /or your additional readings. References should be cited in this section.
The question to focus on for part C;
Adiche’s short story, The thing around your neck, is fiction, however it reflects and represents experiences of many people moving between countries either by choice of as a result of other reasons.
• Discuss the different characters/individuals in the story and their experiences in relation to the theory covered in the course and other relevant material from readings.
• It will be relevant to discuss individual expectations and experiences and also the elements of relationships which are raised between males and females and and also between parents and children .
• It will also be relevant to discuss the two cultures which are involved and relevant values and backgrounds which contribute to the experiences and expectations of the characters.
• In this part you are required to reference material using citations or footnotes.
Note: In section B and E you do not have to use references as it relates to your own reactions and insights from the case study.
Part E: Post-Reflection (up to 150 words)
Please write this after the class discussion and ideally after writing the main part of the assignment
What have you personally gained from reading and discussing this story?
In what way do you think reading fiction might contribute to building cultural knowledge/understanding/competence?
Also reflect on your results for CQ test…….how might this have changed and what future strategies might you employ
Reference list
A minimum of seven (12) references should be cited in addition to the actual story being discussed the reference for which is provided below.
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (2009) The thing around your neck, Fourth Estate, London. P. 115-127.
Note there are some references on the CM File will be relevant as well as those provided in lectures.