Does playing sports have a positive impact on success in school and work and does it teach people to follow social rules as strive for success?
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3) Term paper
The compulsory final-term paper is worth 25% of the final grade. The term paper contains a comprehensive study about the research on psycho-social aspects of games, sports and physical education. The length of the complete term paper cannot exceed 10 pages the minimum number of the pages are 8. Essay submission is electronic and will be checked for plagiarism through submit your term paper as a word document via Blackboard course web site and e mail as well as a hardy copy to your instructor.
Criteria 4-excellent 3-good 2-sufficient 1-in progress Score
General Cover Page, Table of Content, Reference list, Tables, Pictures and Appendices (if any), are presented in correct order. Only 4-5 out of the six items are presented and in correct order. Only 2-3 out of the six items are presented or partly in wrong order. Less than 2 out of the six items are presented or partly in wrong order.
Scientific background
General The document fully follows APA style writing. At least 8 references are used. All references are used as in text citation, at least 2 quotations, supporting the main idea are correctly applied. The document follows widely APA style writing. 5-7 references are used. All references are used as in text citation, at least 1 quotation, supporting the main idea is correctly applied. The document follows partly APA style writing. 3-4 references are used. Not all references are used as in text citation, at least 1 quotation, supporting the main idea is correctly applied. The document does not follow APA style writing. 2 or less references are used. Not all references are used as in text citation, no quotation supporting the main idea is provided.
Written clarity
General Student has less than 3 grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper is well-written, organized and easy to understand and/or follow. Student has 4-6 grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper is well-written, organized and easy to understand and/or follow. Student has some 7-10, grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper is hard to understand and/or follow. Student has some above 10, grammatical errors or mistakes and the term paper isconfused.
Specific Student demonstrates a suitable literature review containing 5-6 important facts of the chosen Game. The applied skills involved in that game are well explained. Student demonstrates a suitable literature review containing 3-4 important facts of the chosen Game as stated in the title.The applied skills involved in that game are explained. Student demonstrates a literature review containing 2 important facts of the chosen Game as stated in the title. The applied skills involved in that game are not explained. The literature review is not complete and does not relate to the Game as stated in the title. The applied skills involved in that game are not explained.
Materials of the game All materials for playing the game are explained in details. All materials for playing the game are explained. Some materials for playing the game are explained in details. Few materials for playing the game are not well explained.
Rules of the game All rules are well explained and supported with literature. All rules are explained to some extend and supported with literature. 3 or 2 rules are explained to some extend and supported with literature. Only one or less rules are explained. Basic literature is missing.
Aim of the game The aim of the chosen game is explained in details. At least 2 major objectives of the games are clearly stated, and at least 2 major learning outcomes of game are explained. The aim of the chosen game in details. At least 1 major objectives of the game is clearly stated, and at least 1 major learning outcomes of the game is explained. The aim of the chosen game is explained in general. At least 1 major objectives of the gameis clearly stated, or at least 1 major learning outcomes of the game is explained. The aim of the chosen game is not explained. Only 1 major objective or 1 major learning outcome of the game is explained.
Age related effects of playing the game All effects of the game on children and elderly people are well explained. All effects of the game on children and elderly people are explained. Some effects of the game on children or elderly people are explained. Few effects of the game on children or elderly people are explained.
Specific The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games’ benefits to 4 other games. The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games’ benefits to 3 other games. The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games’ benefits to 2 other games. The discussion includes the benefits of the game and compares the games’ benefits to only 1 other game.