



APA formatting, Masters level, 7 pages

As I mentioned previously the topic of interest – What motivates one teacher to be the best they can be and others just show up for their pay check.


Action researchers, because they are most often considering an issue in their own work setting for research, very quickly become the expert in their topic. Further, after working through the template and writing your paper in Week 1, you should be able to discuss your topic at length. This week gives you the opportunity to do just that.


All resources for this week:


corwinpress. (2009, September 14) Richard Sagor – The action research guide [Video File].
View Video


Fox, M., Martin, P., and Green, G. (2007). Researching your own practice.
Read Article

Reardon, D. F. (2006). Writing the project proposal
Read Article

Wilkinson, D. (2005). Developing proposals.
Read Article

Website Link(s)

Conducting Research
View Website


Select Research Topic


For this assignment, write a short paper explaining what motivated you to select your research topic. Use the following criteria to help write your paper:

  • Briefly describe your topic.
  • Why is this topic interesting to you? What happened that made you interested in this?
  • Why is this topic important to you as a professional?
  • Why is this topic important to the field of education?
  • Describe the information from two sources that supports that this topic is important to the profession.

This paper provides a foundation for the introduction section of your research proposal.

Learning Outcomes associated with  project

1.0. Identify a problem or potential problem area, or an area for analysis and intervention.

2.0. Examine real world problems that are significant within education.


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