Emerging Issues in Hospitality & Tourism – Organisational audit and recommendations.
It’s a group assessment, you need complete all requires. And must covered all nine topics in assessment 1(Options A+B+C). It’s required to select a real small to medium size business(must in Australian) within the hospitality and tourism industry. All sources must choose after 21centery.
Students should read this Subject Outline carefully. It contains important information about the subject. If anything in it is unclear, please consult your Lecturer.
Academic Head:
Mr. Syed Shah Phone: 03 9626-4586 Mobile: 0411334107 Email: syed.shah@kbs.edu.au
Lecturer- Melbourne:
Mr. Satish Panjala Phone: 039626-4576 Email: satish.panjala@kbs.edu.au
Lecturer – Sydney:
Mr. Stephen Rodwell Phone: 02 8248-6758 Email: stephen.rodwell@kbs.edu.au
Lecturer- Adelaide:
Mr. Derek Milligan Phone: 08 8215-4100 Email: derek.milligan@kbs.edu.au
Lecturers will advise you in regard to their consultation hours.
Prescribed Textbook:
Title: Australian leisure, 4th Ed Author (s): Lynch, R. & Veal, A.J. Publisher: Pearson Longman, Frenchs Forest, NSW. ISBN: 9781442541474 (hbk) Title: Ecotourism, 2nd Ed Author (s): Weaver. D Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, Milton, QLD ISBN: 978 0 470 81304 1 (pbk)
Selected readings from:
? ? ? ? Chon. K & Maier. T, 2010, Welcome to Hospitality, 3rd Ed, Delmar Cengage Learning, Clifton Park, NY. Fitzsimmons. J.A & Fitzsimmons, 2011, Service Management, 7th Ed, McGraw Hill, New York. Johnston. R, et al, 2012, Service Operations Management, 4th Ed, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, UK. Wrathall, Jeffrey. & Gee, Abby, Event Management, Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill Pty Limited, NSW.
Reference Journals:
Journals are an excellent source of up to date information that you can use to find information for your assignments. Here is an example of some titles that are available in print and/or electronic format. ? ? ? ? ? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Harvard Business Review International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Web Sites:
? ? ? Australian Bureau of Statistics www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/d3310114.nsf/Home/Themes Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources www.industry.gov.au John Beech’s Travel & Tourism Information Gateway www.stile.coventry.ac.uk/cbs/staff/beech/tourism/index.htm
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Journal Articles:
? ? Butcher, J. 2006, ‘Natural Capital and the Advocacy of Ecotourism as Sustainable Development’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 14, Issue 6, pp. 529-544. Kang, M. & Moscardo, G. 2006, ‘Exploring Cross-cultural Differences in Attitudes towards Responsible Tourist Behavior: A Comparison of Korean, British and Australian Tourists’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 11, Issue 4, pp. 303-424. Kaufman, T.J. & Weaver, P.A. 2006, ‘Heritage tourism: A question of age’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 135-146. Kivela, J. & Crotts, J.C. 2006, ‘Tourism and Gastronomy: Gastronomy’s Influence on How Tourists Experience a Destination’, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 354-377. Marion, J.L. & Reid, S.E. 2007, ‘Minimising Visitor Impacts to Protected Areas: The Efficacy of Low Impact Education Programmes’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 5-27. Page, S.J., Steele, W. & Connell, J. 2006, ‘Analysing the Promotion of Adventure Tourism: A Case Study of Scotland’, Journal of Sport Tourism, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 5176. Park, J-W., Robertson, R. & Wu, C.L. 2006, ‘The effects of individual dimensions of airline service quality: findings from Australian domestic air passengers’, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 161-176. Tham Min-En A. 2006, ‘Travel stimulated by international students in Australia’, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 451-468.
? ?
Many resources are available from the online databases and which can be accessed through the Kaplan Business School portal; click on the Academic Success Centre/Library tab on the student portal for information on accessing the online databases.
By the end of this subject, you should be able to: ? ? ? ? Comprehensively scope a major area of the Hospitality and Tourism domain. Critically evaluate, and discuss in-depth topics within the field of Hospitality & Tourism. Pursue independent self-directed learning to achieve high quality outcomes within a constrained time-frame. Effectively communicate the results of group and independent learning in a variety of modes.
In this subject, students have the opportunity to explore, issues that are current and emerging within the areas of ‘Hospitality’ and ‘Tourism’. The subject encourages students to identify issues and innovations that are promoting change in the current business practices of hospitality and tourism activity. Students will also learn to undertake an in-depth systematic examination of the issues, and report their findings in an effective and rigorous manner.
Lecture 1: Introduction and Subject Overview Lecture 2: This Thing Called Leisure (Chapter 1 – Australian Leisure) Lecture 3: Environmental Management and Sustainability. (Chapter 2 – Event Management) Lecture 4: Criteria and Context. (Chapter 1 – Ecotourism) Public Holidays – Easter ANZAC day Lecture 5: Emerging Markets (Chapter 2 – Ecotourism)
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SWOT VAC WEEK Examination week Supplementary Exams Results Publication ** Subject to change.
Exam To be advised To be advised
Summary: Form of Assessment Individual Assessment Group Assessment Presentation Exam. Weighting 20% 20% 10% 50% Learning Outcome All learning outcomes. All learning outcomes. All learning outcomes. All learning outcomes. Due Tutorial 7 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 10 TBA
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Assessment details:
Assessment 1: Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism. Weighting: 20% Length: 1500 words Due: Tutorial 7 Description: This assessment requires students to select one of the topic options below, find articles and research information on the topics as it relates to the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Students are also required to highlight the relationships among the outlined concepts of the chosen option. Please check with your lecturer on what option to select so the topics are distributed evenly.
Option A Globalisation. Outsourcing. Ethics. Option B Labour and skills shortage. Global financial crisis. Changes in Australian demographics. Option C De-regulation. Internet and customer driven technology. Environmental management and sustainability.
You are required to write an essay on the topics selected and submit to your work to the lecturer for marking.
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Level of information and research Depth of understanding Relevance of information provided Understanding of how the selected topic affects organisations Report Presentation: /4 marks Professional format / structure Clarity of expressions (spelling / grammar) Use of Harvard referencing system Total available marks – 20 Total grade/mark obtained:
Overall Grade:
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Assessment 2: Report – Organisational audit and recommendations. Weighting: 20% Length: 3000 words Due: Tutorial 10 Description: This assessment requires students to form a group of three participants, your group should have members that have completed assessment one and covered all nine topics between them. (Options A+B+C) Depending on student numbers, your lecturer will make variations to the group numbers. Using the knowledge gained through your lectures, tutorials, textbooks and your investigation of current and emerging issues in hospitality and tourism, your group is required to select a real small to medium size business within the hospitality and tourism industry. Working in consultation with the business owner / manager your group will conduct an audit. The purpose of conducting this audit is to see how ready and capable the selected organisation is to deal with the issues you have investigated in assessment one. For example on the topic of “Environmental management and sustainability” your group may select the local cafe and check on the following items: ? Waste recycling efforts. ? Use of natural light and temperature control. ? Use of environmentally friendly dish washing liquid. ? Purchasing locally manufactured products etc. Your group is then to make recommendations on areas that require improvement. This assessment should be in a report format. Working in groups: Group assessments are a great tool for learning and are used in top Universities around the world. Some of the major benefits of group assessments are as follows: ? Promotes communication skills ? Promotes and rewards teamwork and collaboration ? Promotes project management skills and interdependence ? Emphasises the need for accountability For a number of reasons group work may not work well. If this happen within your group you should raise this issue with your Lecturer so that steps may be taken to resolve the issue or issues. Please note students may not pass a group assessment if there is insufficient contribution. Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within two weeks of submission. Below is a marking guide, which will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.
Level of information and research Depth of analysis Relevance of information provided Understanding of how selected topics affect the organisation Identification of key area for improvement(s) Recommendations: /6 marks Level of detail provided Logical link between analysis, findings and recommendations Conclusion: Report Presentation: /4 marks
Professional report format / structure Clarity of expressions (spelling / grammar) Use of Harvard referencing system
Total available marks – 20 Total grade/mark obtained:
Overall Grade:
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Assessment 3: Presentation Weighting: 10% Length: 10 to15 mins. Due: Tutorial 10 Description: Students are to present their finding to the class. Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you soon after your presentation. Below is the marking guide, which will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.
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Assessment 4: Final Examination Weighting: 50% Length: 3 hours Due: to be held within final examination week. Description: The final examination represents 50% of the marks for the subject. The exam will be closed book covering all material from lectures, tutorials, the textbook and group discussions. The final examination will include essay type questions and more details will be provided closer to the exam.
The time and date of the exam will be advised during the trimester. A revision lecture will be conducted before the exam in Week 12. NOTE: Pass requirements Students must make a reasonable attempt in their assessment events in order to be eligible to pass the subject and must achieve a combined result from these assessment events of at least 50% to pass the subject. If a student fails any individual piece of assessment they will be eligible to continue in the subject and attain a pass in the subject, provided their combined result from all assessment events in the subject is 50% or above. http://www.kbs.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Assessment-Policy.pdf
Grade High Distinction Percentage 85-100% Australian Equivalent The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Distinction grade and demonstrates exceptional research skills and an exceptional ability to synthesize, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrate originality. Distinction 75-84% The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Credit grade and demonstrates distinctive research skills and a distinctive ability to synthesize, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrate originality. Credit 65-74% The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Pass grade, has very good research skills, and has the ability to analyze and apply skills and concepts described in the study guide. The student has some ability to synthesize, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrate originality.
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Indicates that a student did not submit or sit any assessment events for a subject the student did not formally withdraw from the subject.
Incomplete (I)
Indicates that a student has not had a final grade determined because they have not completed all assessment tasks and has been granted an extension of time, or they have been granted a Supplementary Examination or additional assessment item. The grade must be finalised before the end of the following trimester.
Withdrawn not fail (WNF) Withdrawn fail (WF)
Indicates that a student has formally notified Kaplan of their withdrawal from a subject prior to the census date. Indicates that a student has formally notified Kaplan of their withdrawal from a subject after the census date and prior to the final day of teaching.
Exempt (E)
Indicates that a student has achieved the assessment requirement for the subject through previous study or through mutual recognition.
Extensions are not normally granted. However, in cases of genuine hardship limited extensions may be given. Students may apply for an extension on medical, compassionate or exceptional grounds. All applications should be submitted directly to the lecturer and need to be accompanied by supporting documentation. Grounds not generally granted for an extension include: • Inconvenience • Clash with a social engagement • Poor planning • Pressure of other Subject work • Technical problems with computers or printers • Predictable work or family commitments
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The maximum amount of additional time that can be granted is up to 1 week. Students that require an extension greater than 1 week will need to apply for special consideration.
Assignments that are submitted on time will be marked and graded according to the grading system. Penalties may be imposed on assignments that are submitted late in accordance with the following table unless approval in advance has been granted. Late assignment submission penalties Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions (excluding online practice sets and some other forms of assessment that cannot be submitted late) in accordance with the below table unless approval in advance has been granted. Please refer to the Assessment Details section of this unit outline for further details on if your assessment can be submitted late or changed after the due date.
No of days late 1 – 9 days 10 – 14 days After 14 days
5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total marks available
50% deducted from the total marks available Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s)
Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Please do not submit your assignment in plastic folders or in plastic sheets. All submissions must be securely fastened with an approved cover sheet attached. Please print your name clearly and as it is recorded on your enrolment form. Print the name of your Lecturer Sign your name on the cover sheet as well as writing it clearly You are required to use an Arial font, size 11 point with 1.5 line spacing. Please insert page numbers into your assignment.
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? ? ?
Please use 3cm margins. Submitted papers are to be originals. Photocopies are not acceptable for assessment. Always keep an electronic copy until you have received the final grade for the subject.
A high standard of work is always expected, so poorly presented work may be returned unmarked with a request to re-submit. The rules apply for electronic and hardcopy submission. If you submit your assignment electronically, please save the file as ‘yourfamilyname_essay.doc’.
Kaplan Business School provide a range of academic support services for students. Lecturers advise on the academic content of the subject. Email or speak with your lecturer to make an appointment to see them to discuss any aspect of the subject content. Academic Success Centre is available to provide advice on all academic skills including referencing, research, essay and report writing, presentations, academic language, time management and general study techniques. You may seek help on general issues or take a specific assignment for review and advice. Academic Skills Advisers are available for consultation on campus at specific times which are listed on the Campus Portal. You can contact the Academic Skills Adviser directly or see your campus reception to make an appointment. As well as individual appointments, Academic Skills Advisers facilitate a range of group support activities in which students have the opportunity to develop their business language skills and study for exams. Check the Campus Portal for details of these group sessions.
Kaplan Business School is committed to providing equal opportunity and promoting inclusive practices and processes for all students and clients within the limits of its resources. The Access and Equity Policy is available on the Kaplan Business School website at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/KBS-Access-and-Equity-Feb-14.pdf
You may seek Special Consideration in the evaluation of your subject assessments where you feel such matters as serious illness, personal problems, special work demands or other factors over and above those normally experienced by students, may have affected your performance. A Special Consideration form must be submitted to Student Services no later than 72 hours after the assessment due date along
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with supporting evidence. The form is available at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2013/10/KBS_SpecialConsideration_Application_Jun2013-v1.0.pdf Students seeking a deferred assessment must provide a Medical Practitioner Certificates stating the reason they were unable to submit the assessment on the due date and the Medical Practitioner Certificates must be issued before the assessment due date and cover the date of the assessment or be issued on the date of the assessment. Medical Practitioner Certificates issued after the assessment due date will not be accepted.
Kaplan Business School emphasizes the need for all students to attend classes on a regular and consistent basis to develop the skills and attitudes necessary to compete in the highly competitive labor market. Students who are not in attendance for at least 50 percent of any scheduled class will be considered absent for that class. Lateness is a disruption of a good learning environment and is discouraged. The Attendance Policy is available on the Kaplan Business School website at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/KBS-Attendance-policy-Feb-14.pdf
Kaplan Business School considers academic honesty to be one of its highest values. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work (except in the case of group assignments). Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Though not a comprehensive or exhaustive list, the following are some examples of dishonesty or unethical and unprofessional behavior: ? ? ? ? ? ? Plagiarism: Using another person’s words, ideas, or results without giving proper credit to that person; giving the impression that it is the student’s own work. Any form of cheating on examinations. Falsifying information for any assignments. Submitting an assignment(s) that was partially or wholly completed by another student. Copying work or written text from a student, the Internet, or any document without giving due credit to the source of the information. Submitting the same, or similar, assignment(s) for more than one Subject.
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Assisting another student with reasonable knowledge that the other student intends to commit any act of academic dishonesty. This offense would include, but would not be limited to, providing an assignment to another student to submit as his/her own work or allowing another student to copy answers to any test, examination or assignment
In essence, plagiarism is the theft of someone else’s ideas and work. Whether a student copies verbatim or simply rephrases the ideas of another without properly acknowledging the source, it is still plagiarism. In the preparation of work submitted to meet subject requirements, whether a draft or a final version of a paper or project, students must take great care to distinguish their own ideas and language from information derived from other sources. Sources include published primary and secondary materials, electronic media, and information and opinions gathered directly from other people. A discussion thread, computer program, marketing plan, PowerPoint presentation, and other similar work produced to satisfy a course requirement are, like a paper, expected to be the original work of the student submitting it. Copying documentation from another student or from any other source without proper citation is a form of academic dishonesty, as is producing work substantially from the work of another. Students must assume that collaboration in the completion of written assignments is prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the instructor. Students must acknowledge any collaboration and its extent in all submitted coursework. Students are subject to disciplinary action if they submit as their own work a paper purchased from a term paper company or downloaded from the Internet. Kaplan Business School subscribes to a third-party plagiarism detection service, and reserves the right to check all student work to verify that it meets the guidelines of this policy. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and may result in a range of penalties. Procedures for processing plagiarism and exam cheating offenses are described in the Academic Integrity, Honesty and Conduct Policy available at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/KBS-Academic-Honesty-integrity-and-conductFeb-14.pdf
The KBS Complaints and Appeals policy, available at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/Complaoints-and-Appeals-Policy.pdf , outlines the process for a fair, equitable and confidential means of resolving complaints and appealing academic decisions.
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Where a student believes their assessment instrument has been marked incorrectly, they may apply to have that assessment instrument re-marked once only. The Assessment Policy provides instructions on requesting re-marks. The request for re-mark form is available at: http://www.kbs.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2013/10/KBS_Re-mark_request_Jul2013-v1.01.pdf
All students should be familiar with the relevant policies and how they apply to their study. Policies and forms can be accessed on the Kaplan Business School website at: www.kbs.edu.au
Students are encouraged to seek help from their lecturer if they require any additional assistance with the subject. Assistance with other issues is provided by Student Services or the Academic Success Centre Advisor.
In order for all students to maximise their learning potential, it is essential that the learning experience takes place in a non-disruptive environment. Students are requested to adhere to the policies: ? ? Mobile phones are to be turned off (not silenced). You are not to engage in disruptive acts such as irrelevant talk with a neighbor during class, reading material other than course material in class, eating during class, playing an iPod, video or other games during class, sleeping, etc. ? You are not to engage in inappropriate behavior, such as any act that is interfering with a fellow student’s ability to learn, interfering with the lecturer’s ability to conduct a class, interfering with the classroom environment, etc. ? Civil discourse is required. Students must be respectful of the opinions of others. You are free to disagree with your lecturer or with your fellow students, if you do so in a respectful manner.
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The word “netiquette” is short for “Internet etiquette”. Rules of netiquette have grown organically with the growth of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they access or transmit information online. As a Kaplan Business School student, you should be aware of the common rules of netiquette for the Web and employ a communication style that follows these guidelines. ? Wait to respond to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. ? Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred to as “flaming”), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be tolerated. ? Never post a message that is in all capital letters – it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING! Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm. ? Keep messages short and to the point. ? Always practice good grammar, punctuation, and composition. This shows that you’ve taken the time to craft your response and that you respect your classmates work. ? Keep in mind that threaded discussions are meant to be constructive exchanges. ? Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself. ? Use spell check!
**Note: This Subject Guide is subject to change during current and future Subjects. Please refer to the most updated Subject Guide provided.
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