Emirates Airlines

Hello, Here is the required outline for my SHP. —— Senior Honors Project Case Study Outline Executive summary INTRODUCTION Aims and Objectives CHAPTER I General provisions of [chosen] industry 1.1. History and development of [chosen industry] 1.2. Objectives, principles and priorities of [chosen industry] 1.3. Historical, economic, political and cultural aspects of chosen industry PEST CHAPTER II Characteristic features of [specific company] 2.1. History and organization of specific company 2.2. Similarities to regular industry 2.3. Differences from regular industry 2.4 2.5 Financials [20%] SWOT CHAPTER III 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Your Critical Analysis Position of company today within industry Difficulties the company faces Suggestions for present improvement Suggestions for future growth CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY
> The SHP Minimum Requirements are 60 Pages > Double-spaced, including table of contents (TOC) and bibliography, > but excluding Appendices. > Times New Roman 12 pt. font, > 1-inch margins and page numbers

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