Environmental Remediation about Antibiotics


Essay Writing
ENVS4110 Environmental Remediation
Each student is required to select and define one topic from the list provided of this course or
of a personal choice to compose an individual essay. The essay will be due on April 16, 2018
by 5:00 p.m. this semester. Individual report will be submitted to Moodle of this course by
each student registered in the class.
Format and style: The essay should be typed on A4 size with 1.5 lines of spacing, 1.0 inch
margin on all four sides, and letter font size of 12. There is no limit or requirement on the
total page numbers of this writing, preferably 6 and more.
The essay should contain the headings of Title, Abstract, Introduction, headings and
subheadings relevant to the specific topic identified and focused with a logic structure and
organization of the whole contents, Conclusions, and References. The main purpose of this
writing is to allow an in-depth understanding of a specific topic of pollutant and its
remediation with substantial information on the mechanism level of facts to advance the
knowledge. I will pay special attention to this part of the information on quality and depth of
References from refereed academic journals shall be used and referenced for this writing as a
primary reliable source of information for supporting development of the essay and
conclusions. Website-based information are not acceptable as references for this
You may submit your report directly to Moodle of this course accordingly.
Schwarzenbach, R.P., B.I. Escher, K. Fenner, T.B. Hofstetter, C.A. Johnson, U. von Gunten,
B. Wehrli (2013) The Challenge of Micropollutants in Aquatic Systems. Science 313:
Chiou, C., V.H. Freed, D.W. Schmedding, and R.L. Kohnert (1977) Partition Coefficient and
Bioaccumulation of Selected Organic Chemicals. Environmental Science and Technology
11(5): 475-478.
Useful Websites
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


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