Eurydice play


Enterprise Article

Enterprise Article
Criteria Ratings Pts
Effective lead sentence: strong lead sentence, it is evident that the student knew what type of lead to use for this story structure.
20.0 pts

Excellent (no errors)

14.0 pts

Good (few errors)

8.0 pts

Fair (several errors)

3.0 pts

Poor (significant errors)

20.0 pts
Correct use of punctuation, spelling, grammar, syntax
20.0 pts

Excellent (no errors)

12.0 pts

Good (few errors)

8.0 pts

Fair (several errors)

1.0 pts

Poor (significant errors)

20.0 pts
Correct use of AP style
20.0 pts

Excellent (no errors)

12.0 pts

Good (few errors)

8.0 pts

Fair (several errors)

1.0 pts

Poor (significant errors)

20.0 pts
Story structure: was the inverted pyramid used?
20.0 pts

Excellent (no errors)

15.0 pts

Good (few errors)

8.0 pts

Fair (several errors)

3.0 pts

Poor (significant errors)

20.0 pts
All elements of the basic news story are present including: headline, byline, dateline, lead, nutgraf, attribution, ending etc…
20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts
Attribution is used correctly and the student had at least 2 different sources.
10.0 pts

Full Marks

5.0 pts

At least 2 sources were interviewed but the attribution may not be completely correct

0.0 pts

There was no attribution or there were not 2 sources interviewed or the attribution was completely incorrect

10.0 pts
Total Points: 110.0


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