Evaluating the Evaluation: Learning to Give, Receive, and Implement Feedback Activity

Describe a First Experience

Recall your first time doing something, meeting someone, or visiting a certain place. Use the thick description techniques you have learned in this module to provide as much detail as possible. Your target audience was not present at the time of your experience so it is your job to create a vivid image for them. Help them see what you saw and feel what you felt.

Use descriptive words that evoke sensory experiences. Include in your description references to each of the five senses. You will also want to include signal words to explain where things or people are in relation to you and to other things and people?

Employ the writing process techniques we have discussed thus far. Create a mind map to help you think through all of the different ideas you would like to incorporate into your description. Write a draft and revise it using a thesaurus to help you make the most effective word choices. Finally, seek out a peer writer to offer you feedback on your writing.

The length of this assignment is to be 2 full pages following the standard formatting guidelines below.

This assignment is meant to help you practice writing descriptively and making effective word choices. You will not be graded on grammar, structure, or organization – though you may receive feedback about how each of these components impacts your description.

Formatting Guidelines:
1. Font is to be Times New Roman 12 point
2. Text should be double-spaced
3. Name, Course, Instructor, and Assignment should appear in the top left corner.
4. A title should be centered and bolded at the top of the paper.

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