Falklands War

TOPIC: Argentina National Interest
NARROWED TOPIC: Argentina’s involvement in the Falklands War
THESIS: Argentina’s involvement in the Falklands War crisis was a necessary means to ensuring the country’s legitimacy as a viable state within the region
TITLE: Argentina’s Legitimacy in the Falklands Crisis
Legitimacy and a sovereign country (Argentina had the least to lose and the most to gain from the invasion into Falklands Islands)
Definition of a state
Argentina’s National Defense Strategy
Argentins’s invasion of Flakland Island (Military)
The utilization of Argentina ground forces
Joint effort with Great Britain
Sources of Power
Lack of support from allied nations
Further instability of the region
Chastisement and lack of US Support
Restate thesis
Conclude with reinforcing arguments on Argentina’s ends, ways, and means of achieving legitimacy as a sovereign nation

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