Fashion Primary Research paper/Executive Summary Power Point

Hi, they are five slides. Don’t do the intro slide. All of my screenshots are my graphs to use for my slides. Notice that they are five screenshots, choose four of them to use. In the Eng4_Expert Project…Directions for primary paper that is the rubric. In the Eng4_Expert Project_primary research Annabelle etc. That is the example you go off when creating the slides. by the way I don’t need to pay for the charts as when i contacted the support team since it is my own graphs and your using only four of them they told me its not needed.
for my executive summary slide,..I go to Burlingame High School. I surveyed 22 people which are sophomores, juniors seniors. that will help for the slide.
Oh, yeah, don’t worry about the lines and how the example looks different. I will fix that later. Just types the words and the graph on the slide.
So basically no intro, name I will fix that later. Just do executive summary to the end which is five slides, same in the Eng4_ExpertProject_Annabelle skip the prepared by slide


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