Film & Theater studies

Title of essay: Approaching ideas of nation, nationalism and identity.
Each student has to choose / find a news article, song, object, item, etc. that
(creatively) relates to the notions of nation, nationalism, identity, etc. introduced in the first two weeks of the course. (If you decide to go for a song, please type the lyrics separately.)
The chosen news article, song, object, item, recipe, etc. should be described and
explained in a 800 word short essay in which it should be related to the theoretical
notion/s discussed in class.
Arguments must be strengthened and built around ideas presented by Benedict
Anderson, and Etienne Balibar:
Etienne Balibar, “The Nation Form: History and Ideology” Race, Nation, Class:
Ambiguous Identities (London and New York: Verso, 1991): 86-106. CP and
PDF—view @ OWL
Benedict Anderson, “Introduction.” Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. 1983. London: Verso, 1993: 1-36. PDF view @ OWL

Failure to work with these two authors will have a negative effect on your mark.
Their ideas should be thoroughly referenced.

Please see the attachment. I have attached 2 of the required readings.

Minimum 750 words. Prefer 800 words


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