
Write a paper (1,000–1,300 words) with an introduction that contains a thesis statement, an argument, a conclusion, and a list of works cited based on evidence from The Odyssey, contextualized within the information on Ancient Greece and the Mediterranean world found in McKay, Gestoso Singer, and de Souza. The thesis statement of your paper will serve as the answer to the question below, followed by an argument that explains how your thesis statement answers the question.

When Odysseus returns to the island of Ithaca, he gives different explanations to his long absence. Which one of these explanations is the most historically plausible within the framework of the Mediterranean as a system?


Primary source:
Homer, The Odyssey. Translated by E.V. Rieu. (Penguin Classics). Focus on chapters 13–19.
Secondary sources:
McKay, John et.al,. A History of Western Society, vol. 1 Concise Edition 12th (Bedford/St. Martin’s), Chapter 1, focus on the sub-chapter “The Egyptians;” Chapter 2, focus on the sub-chapter “The Rise of the Phoenicians;” and Chapter 3, focus on the sub-chapters “Greece in the Bronze Age” and “The Development of the Polis in the Archaic Age.”
Graciela Gestoso Singer, “Development of Trade in the Egyptian World during the Late Bronze Age.”
Philip de Souza, “The Athenian Empire of the Fifth Century B.C.”
Passing Grade:
For a passing grade your paper needs to be written in your own words and consist of an introduction with a thesis statement, an argument, a conclusion, and a list of works cited. It needs to contain accurately included quotes immediately followed by accurate citations as well as summaries of the information found in the primary and secondary sources, also followed by citations.

When we write papers in history, we use Chicago Manual of Style Notes and Bibliography


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