
Assignment Two:
For this assignment’ essay one write a three to four-page essay, worth 50 points, in which you draw examples from the assigned readings to show the degree to which Jane Addams’s work at Hull House reflected at least three of the objectives of the social work profession.

Thesis Paragraph (Minimum requirement):

1. Jane Addams’s work at Hull House reflected objective # X
a. Example
2. Jane Addams’s works at Hull House reflected objective # Y
a. Example
3. Jane Addams’s work at Hull House reflected objective #Z
a. Example

Your thesis could also include additional examples of how Jane Addams’s work at Hull House could reflected one of the three objectives you selected or could include examples of how Jane Addams work reflected more than three of the objectives. Your choice.

Minimum organization of body of essay:

All paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence.

Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: Jane Addams’s work at Hull House reflected objective #X in that . . .

Explain how the example from the reading demonstrated that her work reflected objective #x

Paragraph 2:

Topic Sentence: Jane Addam’s work at Hull House reflected objective #Y in that . . .

Explain how the example from the reading demonstrated that her work reflected objective #y

Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence: Jane Addam’s work at Hull House reflected objective #z in that . . .

Explain how the example from the reading demonstrated that her work reflected objective #z

Additional paragraphs could include additional thesis points.

Concluding paragraph:

Restatement of thesis points

For this assignment’s essays two and three you will write two short (2-page) essays, each worth 25 points.

Essay Two: Write an essay in which you discuss the type of research Park suggested need to be done to understand the city – what type of questions did he ask? What type of sources did he use? AND what did his research suggest about how cities were organized?

Essay Three: Write an essay in which you discuss the type of research Burgess suggested need to be done to understand the city – what type of questions did he ask? What type of sources did he use? AND what did his research suggest about how cities were organized?

Essay Twp:

Thesis paragraph

1. First point about the type of research Park suggested needed to be done to understand the city. (i.e. what type of questions did he ask)
2. Second point about the type of research Park suggested needed to be done to understand the city. (what type of sources did he use)
3. Park’s research suggested that cities were organized . . .

All paragraphs must begin with a topic sentence.

Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence: First point about the type of research Park suggested needed to be done to understand the city.

Examples to support thesis/topic

Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence: Second point about the type of research Park suggested needed to be done to understand the city.

Examples to support thesis/topic

Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence: Park’s research suggested that cities were organized . . .

Examples to support thesis/topic

Conclusion: Restate thesis points.

Essay Three:

Thesis paragraph

1. First point about the type of research Burgess suggested needed to be done to understand the city. (i.e. what type of questions did he ask)
2. Second point about the type of research Burgess suggested needed to be done to understand the city. (what type of sources did he use)
3. Burgess’s research suggested that cities were organized . . .

All paragraphs must begin with a topic sentence.

Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence: First point about the type of research Burgess suggested needed to be done to understand the city.

Examples to support thesis/topic

Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence: Second point about the type of research Burgess suggested needed to be done to understand the city.

Examples to support thesis/topic

Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence: Burgess’s research suggested that cities were organized . . .

Examples to support thesis/topic

Conclusion: Restate thesis point

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