How to write a Cause and effect essay

A cause and effect essay is in itself self explanatory. It is simply an essay detailing what causes a problem, an event, a phenomenon …etc and the resultant effect. The main reason for a cause and effect essay is to present to readers convincing arguments concerning the topic, inform or entertain. Determining the cause and effect of a problem forms the basis of organizing the essay. A cause is determined by the question ‘why’ and the resultant effects question ‘what’. Cause and effect essay follows the basic rule of academic writing. Thesis statement, gives the reader a direction. A successive begins by choosing the topic, exploring and researching on relevant ideas and outlining the main points. the topic of an essay should be interesting and packaged in a catching manner. The layout comprises an introductory paragraph, main body and the conclusion. In the introductory paragraph, the writer states the causes and how they are linked to the effects. The main body details the facts and persuasively shows the reader how the causes are related to certain effects. The points may follow each other on order of importance, chronologically or in category form depending on the nature of the topic.

Before setting to write, the writer should be armed with fundamental facts on the topic and let the reader anticipate how the facts will play out. The choice of language is critical. Cause effect essay employs distinct words since they must be persuasive and convincing enough. The cause of the phenomenon is linked to the resultant effect by transitional words like, because, due to, therefore, consequently, as a result of, thus just to mention a few fit in this type of essay. Nevertheless, careful wording is necessary as facts must be presented in objectivity devoid of any personal prejudices.

Supporting evidence and related examples should come in handy, if necessary. For instance, on a cause and effect essay like how excessive consumption of alcohol damages the liver, the writer may borrow data already recoded in hospitals to cement the ideas. In linking the cause and effect, the writer should take note causes that have multiple effects or an effect that is as a result of many causes. In this case, the writer should not present a cause that has multiple effects but singles out only one effect. The length and breadth at which the writer covers multiple causes-multiple effects relationship depends on the size of the essay. Some essays may call for emphasis on causes or effects for either to be dealt effectively with.

The events in this essay are described, analyzed and conclusion drawn. The main purpose of this essay is to expose the link between the cause and effect. The writer concludes by answering question “why” and “what” Why determines the causes while what shows the effect. An effective essay is pegged on the writer’s ability to knit his points progressively, logically presenting the argument and carefully detailing how the ideas unfold. These ideas finally culminate in a logical conclusion where the key points are concluded and the knot tying knot between the cause and effect clearly indicated. It is a common practice for this type of essay to conclude by inviting action. A cause and effect essay for instance between unemployment and social upheavals may provoke government to act or else loose legitimacy. By drawing conclusion, researcher should test whether indeed there is cause- effect relationship. A faulty conclusion may suggest that there were no relationship between the factors examined or fundamental rules were completely ignored.

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