How to write a comparison essay

Writers will encounter a myriad of assignments with varying instruction in their career. One of these is comparison essay. This is an essay type that requires writer to expose how certain things, concepts, topics or individuals differ or are similar in various aspects. Comparison is a day to day exercise that each one has done knowingly or unknowingly. Shoppers compare different commodities prices and qualities, sizes, taste before deciding on which to buy. More so, unknown things may be explained by what is known. A kid may ask the mother, ‘what is a zebra? ‘It is a wild animal that shares the same body features with a donkey apart from the black and white stripes”, the mother may explain.

Words like compare and contrast, show similarities and differences, show merits and demerits of distinguishes a comparison assignment from others. However besides showing similarities and differences, a comparison essay goes further to persuade, inform or explain. An instructor is also interested in gauging how a writer understands differing concepts, individuals or text in a literature and how well the writer establishes their connecting link. Comparison essay invoke critical thinking and call for strong analytical skills. Like many essays, comparison essay has an introduction where the writer justifies the comparison and state the thesis. For instance, a writer may elude that though two subjects are similar in several ways; their differences set them far apart.

There are general ways of writing an effective comparison essay. The writer should first understand the subjects of comparison and list the significant points that will form the basis of comparison. Some subjects may have both similarities and differences but the writer may consider comparing by emphasizing on one depending on the length of the essay. A writer may narrow to one side of comparison; to compare by contrasting (showing the differences) or by showing the similarities. The writer begins by listing all the similarities and differences.

There are many ways of organizing a comparison essay but the common two are subject by subject and point by point. In a subject by a subject organization, the writer compares one subject at a time. The writer discusses all the points of the first subject before moving to the second subject. A paragraph to tie the points in first and second subject is necessary in this organization. A writer may compare president Obamas’ administration and Bush’s administration. In a subject by subject organization, the writer may begin by critically analyzing Bush’s administration and then discuss Obamas’ administration showing areas of divergence and commonality. In a point by point organization, the writer compares each point of comparison at time. Short points may be compared in a single sentence but for more elaboration it may call for a paragraph.

The language used for a comparison essay is a third persona. In addition a writer should learn transitional clauses to give the essay coherence. Such transitions clauses like whereas, like, but, while, similarly, equally, differently, other than, save for just to mention a few. Some Comparison essays support a person point of view. The language therefore should be persuasive. In the example of Bush versus Obamas administration, the writer may be partisan, a republican or a democrat. In such cases, subjective comparisons are norm rather than exception. A republican writer may dismiss Obamas administration by emphasizing on the short comings while flattering Bush’s achievements.

A comparison essay ends with a brief and general summary of main similarities and differences. It also restates the thesis informs of personal statement or a prediction that will leave the reader more concerned with the topic. For instance, revisiting the above example, the writer may conclude that Americans are bad of with Obamas administration than they were with bush administration. The writer may also predict that in the coming election, Americans will retort back to republicans.

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