How to Write An Informative Research Paper

Informative research paper is a form of academic research. This kind of research presents subject or topic of interest in a way the reader understands. In a sense, it is like making a presentation on a topic to readers presumed as less informed on it so that they learn from you. The depth of research is not as deep as investigative research that has to explain not just about an observation but its causes and impact. However, the paper should highlight new developments on the subject with especially recent information.

As suggested above, presumption that the writer is not an expert in the subject aids in maintaining a perspective of the topic and logical flow of the paper. Uncommon terms should be defined and abbreviations kept minimal. Instead of inserting tables and graphs between paragraphs, their information is summarized to create informative idea that fit within the essay. A reader is thus walked through a mental ride to enjoy an adventure through a focused topic.

To achieve flow, informative essay is organized in three parts that comprise of an introduction, the body and a conclusion. At the introduction, the essay offers a background of the topic and defines key terms. In common topics, it is a wise idea to captivate the reader with major highlight such as new research finding so that they look forward to ‘hear’ more in the body. In the body, the story illuminates the various aspects of the object or topic under discussion. The story ends with mention of the topic emphasis of the highlights.

Here is an example that illustrates informative essay topic on mountains. At the introduction, the essay defines a mountain as “a natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet”.

In the essay body, different aspects of the mountain explained. With regard to the mountains, the essay can discuss on the types, process of formation, geographical distribution and their use by human beings. Going in further their geographical spread identifies mountains in Africa, America, Europe and Asia. By formation, we can talk of volcanic action, earth faulting and folding. The essay can explain some the uses by human beings to include pilgrimage, setting up of telecommunication equipment and grazing cattle. Taking a further step into pilgrimage can reveal Buddhist monks at the Himalayas in Asia.

As can be seen, from the dissection on mountains above, a topic can open up broadly and the need to keep within a focus. For instance, ‘uses of mountains as places of worship’ or ‘formation of mountains in Hawaii’ are potential topics. At the conclusion, the essay summarizes the discussion with a key highlight that relates to the topic at the introduction.

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