Hurricane Katrina Case Analysis
Hurricane Katrina Case Analysis
General Instructions
. Composing your essay is an individual assignment.
You need to read all of the assigned reading for the September 30th class and compose an essay in responses to the questions below. Your responses must be in your own words with in-text references as appropriate and a reference list at the end of the essay. References must be APA style. No late essays will be accepted.
Please ensure your name is on your paper and the questions are to be responded to in the order given. Essays are to be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins (left, right, top, bottom), and 12-point type. Use standard indented paragraphs and do not insert extra lines between paragraphs. Essays are to be no shorter than three full pages and no longer than four full pages for full credit consideration.
Reading to support essay development: Rubin, Chapter 7, Waugh, Chapter 1 and any other course materials
Waugh, W.L., Tierney, K., (2007): Emergency management: principals and practice for local government, (2nd ed.). Washington,D.C., ICMA Press.ISBN: 978-0-87326-719-9
Rubin, Claire, B. (2012). Emergency management: the American experience,1900-2010 (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1753-0
1. Identify at least four lessons learned in the emergency management response to Hurricane Katrina; consider operational, political and social issues when responding to these questions.
2. Explain in detail your understanding of the local government’s role in responding to natural disasters in consideration of the outcomes in Hurricane Katrina.