Identity( Race, Ethnicity), English as a additional language


Assessment task 2: Report (My topic is around Identity (race, ethnicity) and English as a second language, see case study at the bottom of the brief)


Weighting: 70%


Word count : 1,500 words



Assessment criteria:


Element 2 of assessment task: Show evidence of critical reflection on inclusion within an educational setting.


Element 3 of assessment task: Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of employer and employee duties in relation to inclusion, equality and diversity in the classroom.


Element 4 of assessment task: To employ organised and articulated opinions and arguments, orally and in writing using relevant vocabulary and register.



Additional assessment criteria:

These express the criteria against which achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed:

  • Expression: proof read, spell checked, grammar and academic expression
  • Content: relevant and accurate literature is included
  • Structure: logical progression between points and sections
  • Argument: evidence based argument
  • Referencing: Conforms to APA convention





















Assessment Brief


Recommended structure:


Reports need to include sections and headings. (Write the report in third person not first)



Begin from the general and then focus onto the specific case study.


  1. Introduction (150 words): This report will discuss/analyse…(signpost each section of the report).

Must have headings, information organised in a clear way

Talk about the topic and not the case study or name of the person in case   study

Talk about what the different sections are



  1. Literature review (600 words): review the relevant literature on the topic of your case study. Show evidence of reading a wide range of papers on the topic and present different points of view.

Give the reader context

Theories on the topic, what has been said about the topic

Use case study as an example but don’t talk about case study talk about the topic

Show the different readings you have done

Give points of view not just summarising or referencing



  1. Case study and discussion (600 words): Apply the literature review to the discussion of the case study.


  • Analyze the case study
  • What does this case study tell us about the school’s attitude towards, and beliefs about, children for whom English is an additional language?
  • What might have happened to Sukhdev in terms of her self-esteem and achievement if the situation had not been resolved?
  • What would have been a more appropriate response to supporting Sukhdev when she first joined the school?
  • How would you apply the Equality Act to this case?


  • identify a model of best practice that acknowledges the effective use of inclusion, equality and diversity in formal and informal education settings as well as in the work place.


  • Choose one of the scenarios provided, where a learner is (or may be) at a disadvantage because of the values, attitudes or beliefs held by the educational providers (teachers, support assistants, school management etc.).





marking criteria:


  1. Analysis: Have you analysed the case study in an impartial manner, referring to the legal framework set by the Equality Act?
  2. Content and its accuracy: Are the facts correctly stated? Is relevant theory and/or research used?
  3. Structure: Has research been appropriately applied to make sense of the case study?

Citation and referencing: Are all statements of fact referenced? Is the referencing in the correct APA format? Is the reference list correctly formatted and complete?



Remember that the case study is NOT included in the word count.


  1. Conclusion and Recommendations (150 words): (review main points, and add one recommendation based on FACTS and EVIDENCE)

Recommendation in third person format, “in the light of the literature review the school should implement (relate to case study)






Case study

Sukhdev came to Britain from Punjab when she was a young teenager. Although she could not speak English she was very good at maths. However, because English was an additional language for her she was placed in low ability set for all classes. She was given a bilingual teaching assistant to help her in class and three hours of language support a day. In one of maths classes when she had finished her work, while other students were being disruptive she asked the assistant ‘Why am I in this class with these people? I did this mathematics when I was in primary school.’  The bilingual assistant reported this to the Head of Department who found it difficult to understand that while her command of English was poor Sukhdev could excel at maths. However, after some persistence from the support assistant Sukhdev was moved to a different maths group where she could work at an appropriate level for her ability.

Knowles, G., Lander, V. (2011). Diversity, equality and achievement in education. London: SAGE.


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