Internship Vacancy?
Using the internship job vacancy you have found, study the skills and experiences required for this position; comparing them to the skills and experiences you already possess. You must then outline how you intend to close this gap. The role will set out ‘essential skills and experiences’ needed and also ‘desirable skills and experiences’. Your aim is to identify the gap between the required skills and your current skills set order to address the deficit.
a.) You must state clearly which skills and experiences are outlined in the internship advertisement
b.) You are asked to download and complete the internship application form, to be submitted as part of your coursework.
c.) You are required to critically evaluate the skills and experiences this employer is looking for and compare these to your current skills and experiences. No more then one A4 page for this skills evaluation.
With the ‘specific internship’ in mind you need to create a skills based CV and covering letter, tailored to your chosen internship. Your CV should demonstrate how your skills and experiences align to the internship to convince the potential employer of your suitability for their internship. Your covering letter should also be tailored to your specific internship, to guide the potential employer to your CV’s relevance.
Goals will be identified in your PDP, which you will create as part of your Personal Tutoring sessions. These should appear in the appendix of this portfolio.