1) Read Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed, by Philip Hallie. Shortly summarize the contents and explain in depth how it elaborates on the concept of hospitality. What are its qualities and how is it manifested in the villagers of Le Chambon? How does it affect the Jews? What are the people like who extend it? Separately, cite and discuss Trocme?s refusal to sign the Vichy document to be released from jail. What is your assessment of his character? How might Aristotle describe him? Finally, state whether you agree with Hallie that one should view ethics from a certain standpoint rather than objectively. Should it be the victim?s standpoint? Why? Argue your case using examples from the book.
2) Read The Trial and Death of Socrates, by Plato. Summarize the contents of the Euthphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo separately. Use details.
What is Socrates on trial for in the Apology and how does he defend himself? What does he say about being a good person throughout the book? What does he say would be the just thing for the city of Athens to do to him? Do you think he defends himself well?
In the Phaedo, we encounter the scene of Socrates? actual death. What plan do his friends have to break him out of jail? Why does he turn it down? What does he have to say about one?s duty to the government? What does he believe about the afterlife and why does it comfort him? What is death for Socrates? What do you think of his view of death? Do you agree with it? Why (not)?
Finally, compare his trial and death to that of Jesus. What does it have in common and what are its differences? Are you sympathetic to Socrates or do you view him, as is mentioned in the Apology, as a ?gadfly?? Why? Would Socrates be put to death in today?s society? Why (not)?