(1000 words) The following is an exercise in historical role play. You are an American Loyalist fleeing to Canada during the American Revolution. Write a letter to your brother in London and explain why you support King George III and why you are being forced to flee your native state of New York for Ontario. In your letter, explain the causes of the American Revolution, state why you disagree with the Patriot perspective, and tell why you embraced the Loyalist cause. Talk about other Loyalists and their reasons for leaving the United States. Also tell your brother what you think of the following American notable figures: George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Include your opinion of King George III and his prime minister, Lord North, and suggest ways in which they might have handled the situation leading to the American Revolution differently. Remember that you are a refugee and have lost everything you owned except what would fit into your saddlebag. And discuss the plight of your spouse and children.