Make a summary of the below;
The public transportation in Qatar is mainly provided by Mowasalat; a national company that operates most land transportation in the country, under the notable name Karwa.
Mowasalat is a Qatari transport company providing many types of services including: Taxis (Karwa), Limousines, and Buses (Public and schools).
The company was established in October 2004 and broadened its activities by offering several land transport services to meet its customer’s requirements.
The unique light green Mowasalat vehicles are seen all around Qatar, as they are the only transport company in the state. Currently Mowasalat is operating approximately more than 3000 Taxis, 120 buses and limousines both standard and VIP. However in this research the focus will be on the Taxis which Mowasalat has named Karwa, an old Qatari word meaning charges or costs for getting a job done.
The company has divided the taxi services into two types:
• Normal taxis: These cars usually take up to four passengers. Mostly available at taxi ranks seen at different locations around the city near shopping malls, hotels or clubs and can also be pre-booked by phone prior to the time needed.
• Airport services: This batch consists of wagon cars that tolerate approximately six passengers and is mainly used for trips to and from Doha International Airport where they are based and available 24/7.
Regardless of being a monopoly, the company’s reputation amongst its customers is not very pleasing and a lot of complaints have been perceived. The focus of the research will be to study the customer satisfaction level of the company Mowasalat and the reasons behind it’s failing to satisfy the public.
This research will feature issues with Mowasalt’sKarwataxi services ranging from customer complaints about the taxicabs, drivers, punctuality, and availability.
Reason for research:
The purpose & importance of this research is to determine the main external difficulty which Karwa comes across and that is customer satisfaction. Like any other company that offer services, customer satisfaction plays an important role. The motivation of this research is to come up with outcomes which will lead toresolving the issuesKarwa face within their customer satisfaction.
The target of this research report will reflect to the followingKawra services such as,punctuality, vehicle safety, defensive driving, driver’s location awareness, reliability, tariff fairness and passenger’s option.
The organization of M.A.Y.K will be in charge of conducting this research report that will be coveringMowasalatKarwa’s customer satisfaction. M.A.Y.K will conduct a survey which will help determineKarwa’s customer satisfaction level. M.A.Y.K will focus on what causes unsatisfied customers; including reasons to why Karwa faces such issues. M.A.Y.K will formulate requirements which will be necessary to better Karwa’s customer satisfaction.
Problem Statement:
How can Karwa improve its services? As any transportation company Karwa should make the transportation system more available, high quality and sustainable for their clients. Unfortunately, many people in Qatar are not satisfied withKarwa’s services due to lack of taxicab availability and many other reasons.
Numeroustaxi users in Qatar tend to complain in regards to shortage of Karwastopover stands around the cities. As a result of the shortage, customers thatprimarily depend on Karwa services are leftunsatisfied.Asbusinesspeople, employees and families suffer to obtain a Karwa taxi on time.
Therefore, customers are required to pre-book for a Karwa taxi. Customers tend to face another issue when it comes to pre-booking due to lack of taxicab availability. In such a case, perhaps pre-booking might not be the perfect solution.
An additional focus within the research conducted by M.A.Y.K is the fact thatseveralKarwa taxi drivers do not use the meters.Various customers complain that Karwa drivers overcharge them; which is unacceptable, infuriating and unreasonable.
On the other hand, this matter is taking an effect on the company image of MowasalatKarwa. To conclude, Karwais to take actions immediately in resolving such problems in order to fix their image. As many customers strongly believe and rate MowasalatKarwa as the poorest transportation company due to its bad services.
Aim of the research:
The M.A.Y.Kteam will investigate the reasons of customer displeasure, and how to assist Karwato obtain 100 percent customer satisfaction. Many different factors will be researched such as:ease of service, overall quality, language barriers, price, demographical factors, customer satisfaction, and the amount of accessibility and availability. With so many options M.A.Y.K will discover what the underlying factors of Karwa’s bad reputation are, and how to patch and fix these hindering problems.
This research is especially important due to the thousands of complaints that have been made on various forum posts and websites. Customers are completely frustrated. Reports of people losing their phones in Taxi cabs have been made, showing the poor lost and found section. Reports have been made of racial profiling, where Karwa drivers would drive past Pilipino customers in need, to attend to European looking customers.Many complaints have been made of different Karwadrivers giving customers bonus fees. The complaints online are never ending. The telephone customer service of Karwa is also one of the key factors to be changed if Karwa wishes to be successful.
Many people have also complained about the lack of Taxi services available on phone, and the rude and cold reception they receive on the phone. Surveys will be made to show un-bias data to prove if customers are really displeased with Karwa and their services. All of these issues are super important and something must be changed in Karwa, or they will lose more and more customers.
******Information and all stories found here *****–taxi-doha.htm
Research objective:
M.A.Y.K will conduct numerous studies and surveys to be able to turn the information gathered from Karwa’s customers into various problem areas that need improvement. Surveys will be given to customers including the following factors:
• Punctuality- pre-booking services and service reliability
• Safety- safety regulations that need to be implemented to satisfy and enhance customers experience
• Drivers Knowledge- Drivers knowledge of Qatar’s streets and avoiding traffic by taking alternative routes
• Taxi Cab Tariffs- practicality of the prices of Karwa’s services
• Bias- customer treatment based on racial/gender profiling
• Politeness-Customer service etiquette/politeness towards the customers who are calling Karwa.
Members of M.A.Y.K will conduct personal experiments by calling the pre-booking services and gather information indirectly as customers. Calls will be made at various times of the day, as different customers, to evaluate the response time and availability of Karwa’s services. M.A.Y.K will also station its members in different locations around Qatar to assess street availability of the taxi cabs and the driver’s knowledge of the various routes towards a certain location. M.A.Y.K will also be able to note the difference in treatment from the drivers themselves towards racial/gender profiling.