
The business idea should be narrow down to a city in Canada. And please use simple and common known business idea, not too professional and complicated idea. Thanks.
Part A: Business Concept—Description of Your Idea 1. Select a business concept that you are interested in pursuing. Your idea can be for a product or service that follows a traditional business module (bricks and mortar), an innovative business model (e-commerce, web-based, or hybrid). 2. Describe your business concept (maximum 350 words). Be sure to discuss things such as where you intend to operate the business, who your main customers might be, why you think this is a good idea, what competitors exist in your market, and what other positive trends are happening in regard to your idea. 3. Choose a business name for your concept and use this name when talking about your business concept throughout the course.

Part B: Overview and Description of the Industry 1. Identify which industry sector your business concept falls into. 2. Provide a brief description of the industry. (Maximum 400 words)

Part C: Integrated Model of a Successful Business 1. Referring to the following diagram (and other information from the Introduction in the textbook), describe in your own words why integration is so important to the success of a business today. 2. Thinking about your own business idea, identify at least ten things you will have to do to operate a successful small business. Remember, you are going to convert an idea into a real business, using this model as a guide. (Maximum 750 words)

Part D: PESTI Analysis 1. Complete a political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, and international (PESTI) analysis to look at the external business macro-environment in which your business idea will operate (1,500–2,500 words). 2. Explain how you think the findings from your PESTI analysis will impact your business and strategic plans and influence the value creation opportunities facing your business idea. (Maximum 250 words).

Part E: Information Technology 1. What technology do you expect to use to communicate both internally and with your customers? 2. What must be in place in order to get your first sales? What will you add when your cash position improves? (750–1,000 words)


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