
Target market — size, location, age, gender
Competition — strengths and weaknesses comparison
Market trends — technology, demographics
Information sources — databases, statistics, surveys
Marketing campaign — details on size, type, content
Advertising — flyers, banners, internet, social media
Pricing — comparison to competitors, customer sensitivity to price
Sales Strategies — everything including the kitchen sink
Monitoring — daily, weekly sales statistics

The guidelines to follow

And this is the product we focus to sell and the description of our company.

Description: Created in 2018, “Keychains for K9s” is a distributor of high quality personal safety device. Our company sources our products from the global market to bring about the best combination of fashion and safety.

Mission: “Ensuring personal safety with fashion and practicality in mind.”

Vision (futuristic state): “We strive to be the leader in fashionable safety keychain distribution.”

What is your product?
In order to provide parents with a peace of mind, our product will solve a parent’s concern towards their children’s personal safety by giving them an accessible, easy to use defense tool. We will know if our product works, when we see our sales increase weekly

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