Mass and Force
“A comprehensive problem-solving process requires students to know how to define a problem, write appropriate problem questions, locate information necessary to study the problem, organize and analyze data and form conclusions, make decisions, and recommend solutions” (Esler&Esler, 2001, p. 184).
View the following video clips related to subject-specific teaching methods.
Teachscape Directions:
1. Select the title or topic of the video to be viewed from the list of weblinks provided at the bottom of this task.
2. Scroll down the left side bar to find the Topic of the video specified below. Click to open the folders and locate the tab labeled video. You may need to open various folders to identify the correct video folder located on the left side bar.
3. Click the triangle to begin the video.
Note: Do not respond to any prompts or questions included in the video clips.
Topic: Investigating Properties of Minerals: the 5 E’s
Heading: Teaching Examples (video)
Video: Introduction, Parts 1–5, Conclusion
A. Contact the specific school staff member, teacher, or administrator at the location of your school placement who supervises your pre-clinical experience (PCE); arrange to teach concepts of science data gathering in order to show concepts of accuracy and error during a 30–40 minute lesson with an elementary class. You will need to meet with the classroom teacher beforehand to determine the focus of this science lesson. If you have not yet received confirmation of your PCE placement, contact your mentor before proceeding with this task.
B. Using the attached lesson plan format, develop an original lesson plan for your science lesson focusing on teaching concepts of science data gathering to show concepts of accuracy and error. Submit this lesson plan as an attachment to this task.
C. Provide the classroom teacher with a copy of the lesson plan you developed in part B to review before you teach the lesson. Teach the lesson. The classroom teacher must observe your instruction and sign the Summary Task List. (Forms appropriate to Elementary Education programs are located under “Available Learning Resources” for the EIT4/5 on your AAP. The Summary Task List form for the Special Education program is located under “Available Learning Resources” for the ELT4 on your AAP.) Once you have completed all Pre-clinical Tasks and received the signatures of the cooperating classroom teachers and principal, make a copy for your own records and submit the form to WGU Office of Field Experiences per the instructions on the Summary Task List.
D. After your lesson presentation, write responses to the prompts (1–2 paragraphs per prompt) using the Guided Reflection Protocol Form. To access the form, follow these instructions:
• Click the Complete Form button that appears in the bar below this task.
• Answer the questions in the form. If you need additional space, include an attachment with your response.