Project description
?Go the following link and review the video clip that discusses the distinction between Change Management and Change Leadership.
Provide a concise one-paragraph summary clearly outlining the key distinctions between Change Management and Change Leadership.
Answer the following Questions:
o After reviewing the video clip, what do you believe are the three to five competencies that are most essential to be a successful Change Leader? Briefly define each competency. What is your basis or rationale for selecting these competencies?
? How will you develop your Change Leadership Competencies?
o After reviewing the video clip, what do you believe are the three to five competencies that are most essential to be a successful Change Manager? Briefly define each competency. What is your basis or rationale for selecting these competencies?
? How will you develop your Change Management Competencies?
Note: Your answers are what you think or believe, not what others think it may be useful to research what various change resources believe are the most essential competencies for a Change Leader and for a Change Manager, but ultimately you are to determine what you believe to be the most essential competencies for both. Additionally you may seek out ideas on how to develop your change leadership and change management competencies, but your answer should clearly reflect how you will develop your competencies in these areas.
Instructor Comment: As you prepare your paper, think in terms of how would you prepare your paper if you were doing do for a business leadership team would it be a lengthy complicated report or would it be a concise and meaningful report? Would you focus be on the length of the paper or would it be on providing clarity to the leadership team regarding Change Leadership vs. Change Management?