
Report Template:
Gastroenteritis is a highly contagious viral infection, taking into Mrs Smith’s presentation to Emergency Department answer the following questions.

1. Select 2 key infection control principles need to be applied to Mrs Smith’s care to minimise the transmission of infection to staff and other patients (word limit 200).

2. Provide rationales for their implementation (word limit 300).

Using the National Safety and Quality Heath Service Standard (NSQHS) for preventing falls and injury in healthcare setting answer the following question.

1. Discuss the importance of this standard and identify two falls prevention strategies to be implemented (word limit 200).

2. Provide rationales for implementation to prevent further injury (word limit 300).

Case Scenario
Handover: Following Information, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendations (ISBAR).
I: Pink Smith is an 82-year-old woman who presented to the Emergency Department (ED).
S: Mrs Smith had a fall last night at home.
B: Mrs Smith has been feeling ‘off’ for the last 3 days with loose bowel actions, abdominal pain, fever, decreased appetite, a general feeling of malaise. Had a fall last night as she got out of bed to rush to the toilet. The fall was witnessed by her husband who saw her sway and then stagger as she stood up from the bed. She landed on the floor on her right side, there was no loss of consciousness and her husband is convinced she did not knock her head. Her husband tried to help her up off the floor and back into bed but Pink weighs 106kg and was experiencing pain on movement and difficulty weight bearing through her right leg. Her husband phoned the ambulance to bring her to the ED for review.
Pulse rate: 102 bpm,
Respiration: 18 bpm, shallow, dry cough, runny nose,
Blood pressure:
• Lying – 108/ 74
• Standing – 98/60
Temp: 37.7°C
Blood glucose level: 3.9
Weight: 106kg
Pain: 10/10,
Upon arrival to ED, X-RAY of Hip revealed no fractures.
R: Mrs Smith to be admitted to medical ward, physio review, single room. She is diagnosed with viral gastro-enteritis.

Health History
Past health history
Medical history Hypertension
Type II diabetes for over 15 years, managed by oral medication and diet.
Macular degeneration – mild visual impairment
Allergies NKA
Social history
Alcohol use Occasional sherry or glass of wine on special social occasions
Tobacco use Non-smoker
Religion Anglican, does not attend church
Ethnic background European/English ancestry
Physical assessment
Vital signs As above
Neurological GCS 15
Pupil equal and reactive to light (PEARL)
Lethargic, eyes open when spoken to, follows commands, orientated to time place and person (TPP)
Cranial nerves – intact
Bilateral equal normal sensitivity to touch in feet and lower legs
Difficult to test muscle strength due to pain from injury on R) side
Reflexes not tested due to patient’s pain and patient’s lethargic state
Musculoskeletal system
Inspection Blue/red coloured haematoma R) hip and extends to R) buttock
Swelling marked
Skin intact and no indication of bone protrusions
Normal range of movement around hip
Touch weight bearing on R) leg; reluctant to attempt walking due to pain
Palpation Tender on palpation of hip area
Hip joint feels intact
Gastrointestinal Normally eats and drinks well but has been off food the last few days due to nausea
No vomiting
Has deliberately decreased her fluid intake to minimise the need to urinate
Loose bowel movement 3/7
Last bowel movement today, loose watery, normal colour
No history of faecal incontinence

Assessment Criteria and Submission

Please read the rubric set up for this assessment task carefully. These are the criteria that you will be assessed against for this task. It is important that you read and understand the rubric before you attempt to deliver your presentation. Understanding the criteria written in this rubric will help you clarify what we are looking for in this presentation.
The rubric for this task can be viewed in the Assessment 1 Dropbox where you can also submit your work. Please click here.

Referencing list

Hand Hygiene Australia. (2016). 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene. Retrieved from Measuring, Hand hygiene when it matters. The lancet infectious Diseases

Hand Hygiene (2017). 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene. Retrieved from

McGuckin, M., & Govednik, J. (2013). Review: Patient empowerment and hand hygiene, 1997-2012. Journal Of Hospital Infection, 84 (3), 191-199. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2013.01.014

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