organization behavior







Learning Activity #1


“We have a failure to communicate!” is a famous line from by Paul Newman in the movie Cool Hand Luke. Yet so true! We carry within our minds various perceptions that filter and distort communications. So for this LA1, keep in mind our earlier chapter on perception and personality (week 2). Think about your current or former employer and analyze their communications. Recalling the communications process from our reading this week (channels, barriers, direction of communications, etc.), tell us if you think their communication is effective and prove your point of view to us. Also, did generational or cultural differences impact the effectiveness of communications? What other concepts can you apply? Get into some depth analyzing communications in your organization.



Learning Activity #2


By now you have noticed that our text addresses culture at the end of each chapter, and our weekly readings address both cultural and age diversity. These are keenly important in 21st century business. Your week 5 case study pertains to managing cross-cultural teams, so let’s take a stab at initial discussions this week.


Let’s say your company is located in a US city into which the US Immigration Service relocates refugees and asylees, making it a very culturally-diverse workforce. You have been hired on to establish a new work team from your current employee labor pool whose members represent a variety of cultures. Using the cultural resources below as well as our text and weekly readings, what are the priorities—what should you do first to form this team? Think in terms of size, tasks, roles, norms, type, etc., as well as using our theories from last week to prove this team will be motivated. Be creative and choose the country of origin for your various team members.


For both of our LA’s this week you will particularly need to use:


  • Geert Hofstede’s renowned typology on national cultural values
    This site also provides a country-comparison page to compare other cultures against our US culture.
  • Beyond Intractability’s extensive article database on cross-cultural communications and behaviors. Cross-cultural communications Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences


Also use our text at least two other weekly content materials to explain or defend your points. Your initial response should be at least 300 words in length to earn any points. Cite all reference sources using APA format. Use in-text parenthetical citations, for example (Organizational Behavior, 2014, ch. #, p. #), within your response content, and full citations referenced at end (see Content/Using APA).




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