Personality and coping

PSY10003 Psychology 100
Assignments 1 and 2
Overview and Learning Objectives
These two assignments will help you develop fundamental skills in APA formatting, academic
writing, and the critical evaluation of research. They are connected by a central topic (see next
page) so that feedback from Assignment 1 can be used in developing Assignment 2. The
Collaborate tutorials and Blackboard discussions will also provide opportunities to develop the
relevant skills and knowledge for completing Assignment 2.
Assignment 1 – 800 words
In the first assignment you will compile an Annotated Bibliography of references that relate to the
central topic. We have also provided you with two Starting References (see next page) that you will
need to locate through the library’s online database of journal articles. Further instructions for
completing the assignment are provided in the section on this handout titled Requirements and
Grading Guide for Assignment 1.
Assignment 1 – Essential details
 Due 11.55pm Monday Week 5 (28th September)
 Submission is electronic. A single file must be submitted through Blackboard using Turnitin.
 The bibliography must be 800 words maximum.
o Word count does not include title page
o Penalties may be applied for exceeding the word limit – words significantly beyond
the limit will not receive marks.
 The submission must be presented in APA style (6th edition).
 The Assignment is worth 10% of your final PSY10003 mark.
 Late Penalty: 10% per day. Submissions more than 5 days late will receive zero marks.
Assignment 2 – 2,000 words
In the second assignment you will write an Essay that critically reviews the research that relates to
the topic. You should incorporate the feedback you receive on Assignment 1 when writing your
essay for Assignment 2. Further instructions for completing this assignment are provided in the
section on this handout titled Requirements and Grading Guide for Assignment 2.
Assignment 2 – Essential details
 Due 11.55pm Monday Week 10 (2nd November)
 Submission is electronic. A single file must be submitted through Blackboard using Turnitin.
 The report must be 2,000 words maximum.
o Word count does not include title page or reference list.
o Penalties may be applied for exceeding the word limit – words significantly beyond
the limit will not receive marks.
 The submission must be presented in APA style (6th edition).
 The Assignment is worth 35% of your final PSY10003 mark.
 Late Penalty: 10% per day. Submissions more than 5 days late will receive zero marks.
Assignment Topic
Personality and coping
Coping involves the use of personal attributes, skills, and social supports to manage stressful and
challenging life circumstances. Proactive coping is a specific type of coping that employs future‐
oriented strategies to prevent the negative outcomes associated with potential stressors and to see
them as opportunities for personal growth. An individual’s unique set of personality attributes is one
factor that is likely to be associated with their tendency to use proactive coping strategies. With
particular reference to the Five Factor Model of personality1 discuss how personality relates to
proactive coping amongst university students and critically evaluate the research evidence linking
these two constructs.
Starting References
You must locate and read the following journal articles, both of which are available in the library’s
journal database:
Title: Proactive coping and its relation to the Five‐Factor Model of personality
Authors: Erin Hambrick & David McCord
Journal: Individual Differences Research
Details: Published 2010, Vol. 8, Issue No. 2, Pages 67‐77
Title: The role of the Five Factor Model of personality with proactive coping and
preventative coping among college students
Authors: Casey Stroud, Mary McNaughton‐Cassill & Robert Fuhrman
Journal: Personality and Individual Differences
Details: Published 2015, Vol. 83, Pages 60‐64
*****Note that these references are NOT in APA format. One of your tasks in Assignment 1 will be to
create correctly formatted references for the sources you use.*****

1 Search for the paper by McCrae and Costa (1997) and/or read the section on ‘Trait theories’ of
personality in Chapter 11 of your textbook to find out more about this model.
Requirements and Grading Guide – Assignment 1
In this first assignment you will produce an Annotated Bibliography. It will consist of FOUR references
related to the assignment topic – this includes the TWO starting references plus TWO others you find
yourself through the library. Each reference must be presented in APA 6th format and followed by an
annotation in the form of a 150‐200 word paragraph that briefly describes and critiques the
reference. A video containing instructions on how to write an annotated bibliography has been
provided for you on Blackboard. Examples from previous study periods have also been provided on
The Assignment 1 submission must contain the following components. For further grading
information see the Marking Rubric for Assignment 1 on page 4.
1. Assignment Title Page ‐ Mandatory
The title page should include the title of the assignment, your name, your tutor’s name, and
the assignment due date (see page 54 in the Findlay writing psychology book for an example
of what your cover sheet should look like). You also MUST include the following statement
acknowledging your understanding of the University’s assessment policy and procedures:
“I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to
the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.”
2. Bibliography
List your four references (the two shown above plus the two you have found yourself) in this
section. Present the references in APA 6th format.
Each reference must be followed by a 150‐200 word annotation (one paragraph) that briefly
describes the aim of the research, the research design (e.g., experiment, review, meta‐
analysis), key research findings/outcomes/recommendations, and strengths or limitations of
the research.
Marks are awarded for including four relevant and credible references, adherence to APA 6th
referencing style, as well as the clarity, accuracy, and overall quality of the annotations.
Marking Rubric for Assignment 1
Your assignment will be assessed using the following marking criteria:
Criteria No pass Pass
Relevance of
Did not meet
criteria or less than
four references
The two additional
references are not
closely related to
the topic. More
research needed.
The two additional
references are
somewhat relevant
to the topic. More
research needed.
The two additional
references are
mostly relevant to
the topic. May need
to do more
The two additional
references are
highly relevant to
the topic.
Credibility of
References are not
from peer‐reviewed
or scholarly
Only one of the two
references is from a
scholarly source.
The two additional
references are from
scholarly materials,
but are not recent
The two additional
references are from
recent (post‐2000)
scholarly materials.
The two additional
references are from
current (post‐2010),
scholarly materials.
Annotations not
provided or do not
provide sufficient
Annotations are
either too long or
too short, and are
somewhat accurate
descriptions of the
references. Little
insight into the
strengths and
limitations of the
references is shown.
Annotations are
either too long or
too short, but are
mostly accurate
descriptions of the
reference. Some
insight into the
strengths and
limitations of the
references is shown.
Annotations are
succinct and mostly
descriptions of the
references, and
show good insight
into the strengths
and limitations of
the references.
succinctly and
accurately describe
the references, and
show an advanced
level of insight into
the strengths and
limitations of the
APA 6th formatting
of references
referencing style
used (Harvard,
At least one
reference is
presented in correct
th style, but
the others have
many errors.
Most references are
presented in correct
th style, but
with several
recurring errors.
All references are
presented in correct
APA 6th style, but
with some errors.
All references are
presented in correct
APA 6th style with
minimal or no
Language, grammar,
Spelling and
grammatical errors
distract the reader,
assignment not
Several spelling and
grammatical errors
present that affect
Several spelling and
grammatical errors
present, but they do
not greatly affect
A few spelling and
grammatical errors.
Virtually free of
spelling and
grammatical errors.

Requirements and Grading Guide – Assignment 2
In this assignment you will write an essay that critically reviews the current research literature on
how personality relates to proactive coping in university students. In the essay you will refer to the
four articles included in your Annotated Bibliography, as well as any others you think would make a
useful contribution to your essay. You should incorporate the feedback you received on Assignment
1 into your essay, particularly the feedback on APA 6th style of referencing, the relevance and
credibility of your references, and any feedback on the annotations associated with each reference. A
video containing instructions on how to write a critical review essay has been provided for you on
Blackboard. Examples from previous study periods have also been provided on Blackboard.
The Assignment 2 submission must contain the following components. For further grading
information see the Marking Rubric for Assignment 2 on page 6.
1. Assignment Title Page ‐ Mandatory
The title page should include the title of the assignment, your name, your tutor’s name, and
the assignment due date (see page 54 in the Findlay writing psychology book for an example
of what your cover sheet should look like). You also MUST include the following statement
acknowledging your understanding of the University’s assessment policy and procedures:
“I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to
the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.”
2. Introduction
The introductory paragraph should broadly outline the topic that will be discussed, explain
why it is an important issue, and provide some idea of what you will discuss and/or argue in
the essay.
3. Body
The body of the essay should define key concepts, as well as describe and evaluate the
research literature that is relevant to the topic. This is similar to what you did in Assignment
1, however this time you will need to work the research literature into a logical narrative that
helps you to present your perspective on the topic in a coherent manner. Some questions to
help guide you (not presented in order of importance):
 What is coping? What is proactive coping? How is it measured?
 What is personality? What is the Five Factor Model of personality? How is it
 How is personality related to coping, and proactive coping in particular?
 Why is it important to understand how personality relates to coping?
 What sorts of stressors are university students exposed to?
 What are the practical applications for university students in understanding how
personality relates to coping, and how it relates to proactive coping in particular?

4. Conclusion
The concluding paragraph is an integrated summary of your major points and a final
statement of your understanding of what the research literature has to say on this topic. You
should not introduce new material in the conclusion.
5. Reference list
The Reference list should include all of the research literature you have cited in your essay,
listed in alphabetical order by first author’s surname, and presented in correct APA 6th style.
Marking Rubric for Assignment 2
Your assignment will be assessed using the following marking criteria:
Criteria No pass Pass
No clear
OK ‐ provides
concise contextual
information but not
accurate; essay
outline is unclear.
Good ‐ provides
concise contextual
information but not
accurate; clear
outline of essay.
Very good ‐
accurate and
concise contextual
information on
topic and clear
outline of essay.
Excellent ‐ accurate
and concise
information on
topic and clear
outline of essay.
Organisation of
material in body of
Poor organisation of
Basic organisation –
some errors in
definitions of key
concepts, some
structure but little
evidence of
narrative and logical
progression of
Good organisation –
accurate but limited
definitions of key
concepts, clear
structure with some
evidence of
narrative and logical
progression of
Very good
organisation ‐
defines key
concepts well, clear
structure with good
narrative and logical
progression of
organisation ‐
defines key
concepts well, clear
structure with
strong narrative and
logical progression
of ideas.
Evaluation of
material in body of
Research used in
the essay is not
relevant to the
Basic coverage of
relevant research –
mostly surface level
analyses with little
evidence of critical
evaluation of
research literature.
Good breadth of
coverage of relevant
research. Good but
not overly
evaluation of
research literature.
Very good breadth
of coverage of
relevant research.
sophisticated critical
evaluation of
research literature.
Excellent breadth of
coverage of relevant
research. Advanced
critical evaluation of
research literature.
No clear Conclusion. Provides a basic
summary, but
demonstrate an
overly clear
understanding of
the topic.
Provides a good
understanding of
the topic.
Provides a very
good summary,
demonstrates good
understanding of
the topic.
Provides an
excellent summary,
demonstrates clear
understanding of
the topic.
No reference list. Extensive APA style
Many APA style
Only a few APA
style errors.
No APA style errors.
Language, grammar,
Spelling and
grammatical errors
distract the reader,
assignment not
Several spelling and
grammatical errors
that affect
readability, but
overall meaning is
still reasonably
Several spelling and
grammatical errors
present, but they do
not greatly affect
A few spelling and
grammatical errors.
Virtually free of
spelling and
grammatical errors.

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