Phenomenal Woman- Maya angelou


Learning Activities, Outcomes, and

Assessments for the Literary Analysis of Poetry


Learning Activity for Literary Analysis of Poetry:  From a list of professor-selected poems, you will choose one or more poems and write an analytical essay of three or more pages plus a Works Cited page containing the primary source and at least three secondary sources (if required by your professor).  You will choose one of the following poetic elements to analyze in your essay:  speaker, theme, symbols, structure, diction, imagery, figures of speech, tone, sound pattern, or style and technique.


  1. Learning Outcomes: You will: a) choose a poem or group of poems and select the poetic element(s) to analyze, b) locate at least three secondary sources (if required by their professor), c) formulate a working thesis, and d) write an analytical essay of three or more pages plus a Works Cited page, (if required by your professor).  You will:


  1. Read and understand poetry from various authors
  2. Include research documentation and in-text citations, (if required by your professor)
  3. Use the appropriate language for your targeted audience
  4. Use appropriate poetic terminology in your analysis
  5. Demonstrate basic computer literacy
  6. Create a well-structured analysis of a poem or group of poems


  1. Assessment: You will demonstrate competency by producing a coherent word-processed essay based on content, organization, style (including compliance with MLA guidelines), and mechanics.




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