Quantum devices

I am about to graduate in Physics and I would like to apply a Master degree programme at TU Delft ( Netherlands). Within the Msc programme, I’ve chosen as specialization : "Quantum Nanoscience ".

In the essay they require as essential part of my application, I have to outline:
-My motivation for choosing this MSc programme.
-Why I am interested in TU Delft and What I expect to find there
I have to explain my basic motivations for having done this choice (Track: Quantum Nanoscience)?
Also I have to describe my hypothetical thesis project: what kind of a project I would prefer? What I would want to explore? I have to limit my answer to three possible topics.
Finally , I have to summarize in a maximum of 250 words my thesis work or final assignment/project, including information about the workload.
About this last request , as I have not yet implemented my thesis work, this part will be implemeted later on by me or be left unfullfilled.

So, maybe the first part can be easy to write for you, just look for some information about the TU Delft university here https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ and in particular here in the website of Qauntum nanoscience department https://www.tudelft.nl/en/faculty-of-applied-sciences/about-faculty/departments/quantum-nanoscience/ .

Th second part is a little more difficult: I think that, in order to deliver an effective essay, is necessary to inquire about what scientists do there and maybe read some scientific paper. Here are some of the scientist who work in the fields that appeal to me…

Stephanie Wehner


Leonardo DiCarlo

Let me know it is feasable for you.
I can provide more sources where to inquire to write the essay and my CV if you need it, even if I don’t have any specific "technical" field experience.


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