Race and Ethnicity/United States

a. Must include MLA parenthetical citations and must use direct quotes from the
course textbook and/or class lectures/PowerPoints.
— Please cite from the required texts as much as possible/necessary; refer to
Tips #1-4 in the document titles “HILD 7B Oral History Guide” .
b. A separate works Cited Page is also required.
c. Course Textbooks include…
1. Mary Paik Lee, Quiet Odyssey: A Pioneer Korean Woman in America (1990)
2. Erika Lee, The Making of Asian America (2015)
3. Simeon Man, Soldiering through Empire: Race and the Making of the
Decolonizing Pacific (2017)
d. Please note: that use of all 3 sources is not required but is highly recommended
e. Link to PowerPoints: https://we.tl/3Eyw7Mj08b


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